There's a plenty of fish in the sea, why does your one have to be me?
There are plenty of fish ponds and chicken farms, supplying everybody with fresh fish and eggs.
Dad assured him that there were still plenty of fish, but added that pollution was a big problem.
There are plenty of fish in the river, and good baits on my line, but the fish are getting clever and refuse to rise to the bait today.
While bemoaning his plight he remembers suddenly that the doctor had recommended a more liberal diet. He begs me at once to sit down and make up a menu with plenty of fish and meat.
But all the archaeological projects found plenty of bird bones and even tiny bones from fish.
All the archaeological projects found plenty of bird bones—and even some tiny bones from fish.
Smith said that could be achieved by eating plenty of foods that are a good source of vitamin B12 such as milk and other dairy products, fish, meat and fortified breakfast cereals.
Because countless ecological opportunities remained for fish underwater, plenty of them remained aquatic.
The maxim "There are plenty more fish in the sea" would be even less of a comfort to a man who knows that he might not set eyes on another single woman for months.
Master Bedroom with Bath, Private Access to Back Yard, Back Yard with Covered Patio, Fish Pond and Plenty of Greenery.
If you've ever wanted to catch your own fish straight from a hole in the ice, try Ontario, Canada, which offers up over one quarter of the world's freshwater, with plenty of trout, bass and pike.
Such as: dairy products, fish, meat, beans, vegetables, fruits and other foods containing plenty of calcium.
Because its warm and damp climate, and plenty of rainfalls and sunshine, the products here are rich, so Wuzhen is famous for "the town of fish, rice, and silk. ""
I don't care that my bid to buy those few shares failed - I've got plenty of other fish to fry.
You should eat lots of broiled fish, seafood, and poultry (not too much beef or pork), low-fat cheeses, yogurt, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, salad greens, and wholegrain breads.
Fish and plenty of other sea animals live in the streams, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.
There are plenty of good reasons to eat fish, but preventing abnormal heart rhythms doesn't seem to be one of them, according to a new study.
There are plenty of good reasons to eat fish, but preventing abnormal heart rhythms doesn't seem to be one of them, according to a new study.