Round a bend in the canal came plodding a solitary horse, stooping forward as if in anxious thought.
Outside the ring, with a weapon, he would have been the sort of man Kostya would have been happy to avoid, but inside the ring he was plodding and mechanical.
It's a windswept, freezing January afternoon on a remote beach in Scotland, and I'm watching four horses, each with a child on its back, plodding across the pebbles.
Of course, it's in minor and the voices will come in, but the bass is going, sort of plodding along in a basic duple but with a triple subdivision underneath of that.
It took me almost 10 years of plodding along at an 11-minute mile before I realized that I could call myself a runner, no matter how slow I go or how many RACES I lose.
Perhaps they abandoned the plodding vagaries of biological evolution eons ago to engineer a new form of existence, one likely to be practically immortal.
A deliberate, perhaps plodding, decision-maker, he hated to be rushed into making changes and preferred to stick to his plan regardless of circumstances.
In the end there may be no alternative to plodding on with the membership negotiations and just hoping for a change in the climate on both sides.
The craft that is steadily plodding between the Virgin Islands is being operated by a team from Woods Hole and the Webb Research Corporation, founded by Mr Webb.
Forcing the breakout of pure audit firms would separate an exciting and growing business from a plodding but vital one, in Europe at least.
Although reptiles like the dinosaurs were plodding on the ground below them, they were not actually dinosaurs themselves - a common misconception.
Paolo Scaroni, Eni's boss, sees the firm's peculiar mix of swashbuckling exploration and plodding distribution as a virtue.
Supplies and some of its personnel aboard the powerful, plodding elephants which are a form of native transport dating back centuries to Hannibal during the First Punic War.(AP Photo/Horst Faas)
A plodding general miner, it may find it hard to haggle with the canny and highly knowledgeable dealers who are the prime customers for rough diamonds.
Terrible! I've got tons of Numbers to add up everyday, and that's all I do. I never thought I would have a plodding job like this.
Once he gave his raincoat to a derelict plodding in the rain.
Italy, for instance, announced a plan last week to clean out bad loans from its plodding banking industry.
Heck, if those boring Spurs win another title at least it will be because of a guard who can penetrate, and not that plodding Tim Duncan.
Walter had left the fields behind him, and was plodding homeward in the same abstracted mood, when he heard a shout from a man, and then a woman's voice calling to him loudly by name.
I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.
Will the team be able to find a balance between an all-out running attack and Elton Brand's plodding offense?
I saw the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiers plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts,...
The patient Bull won't have a problem plodding 3 through educational books or drawn-out suspense 4 thrillers.
The patient Bull won't have a problem plodding 3 through educational books or drawn-out suspense 4 thrillers.