If you are pulling in millions, even a monthly consumer binge leaves plenty to plow into savings.
This one is going to plow into this one, they merge and they continue, and then you'll see the time t prime here.
But individual and professional investors continue to plow money into the bond market, giving companies a constant source of funds to tap.
When the star exploded, it sent out a blast wave into the surrounding material, scooping up interstellar dust and gas as it went, like a snow plow.
Within hours the plankton run out, the feast winds down, and the mantas plow the bay's sandy bottom with their cephalic fins to throw hidden prey back into the water column.
Invigorated by his travels, Turner continued to plow his energies into his prolific landscape painting.
Through Leading the flood with high sand into the basin of the desert for silting up many times, when alluvium thickness exceed plow, the desert can becomes the high quantity farmland.
However, just as I desired to plow tillage spade full of hope that the fertile soil, but the reality I had thrown into the abyss of disappointment.
However, just as I desired to plow tillage spade full of hope that the fertile soil, but the reality I had thrown into the abyss of disappointment.