The first will arrive this month, at the full moon lunar eclipse, February 9, operative plus or minus one week.
Also carefully watch the days that Mars will move over the mathematical degrees of these two eclipses, plus or minus one degree.
The following week, on Friday, April 23 (plus or minus one day), a party that you might attend could turn out to be quite special.
All dimensions specified are approximations only. Unless stated otherwise, the least significant digit is uncertain by plus or minus one unit.
The uncertainty of this radius is, of course, not very large but we are not certain about the radius to about one centimeter, so it's 85 plus or minus one centimeters.
It is important however to remain consistent with the chosen time, plus or minus one hour, in order to reach the steady-state and not have fluctuations in the concentration.
News of a commission, bonus, advance, or other chunk of cash may come your way July 7, plus or minus one week. You may have to write a check too, but it appears more money will flow in than goes out.
The plus or minus 1 comes in because our scale is no more accurate than one gram.
It is possible that you already felt the news of this eclipse in November, as some people feel eclipses one month to the day earlier, plus or minus five days.
Often an eclipse will not assert its energies immediately but rather one month to the day later, plus or minus four days.
A trip, or an overseas deal or one involving academia, will come to fruition at the full moon February 28 plus or minus four days.
There is one point of the month where you may feel tension, and that's when Saturn and Uranus will be at odds on April 26, plus or minus five days.
There is one point of the month where you may feel tension, and that's when Saturn and Uranus will be at odds on April 26, plus or minus five days.