A good receptionist is important because they are usually the first point of contact for clients.
Citi Prestige card members around the world can tap into their global concierge through a single point of contact.
Managers can be the point of contact to other departments to explain why a system is down.
The primary point of contact is presumed to be the principal inside change agent for the client.
Thus, we have a single point of contact for modifying the core behaviour of the Objects we create.
The ratio is determined by the distances from the center of the gear to the point of contact.
Mr DiPascali was the main point of contact for investors, who ranged from Jewish charities to film moguls.
We also observed that the rat will tend to move, or orient, it's nose toward the exact point of contact.
Many carers are isolated and GP surgeries are often their first point of contact for support and resources.
A single point of contact in the office or on location ensures strong customer support every step of the way.
These project managers will also serve as the company's point of contact with technology vendors and consultants.
The current Board of Directors are responsible for major project decisions and as a point of contact with business.
However, in an ideal world, a counsellor would be the first point of contact for all patients presenting for fertility treatment.
Concierges have always been, and still are, a key point of contact for the business traveller but their role and appearance is changing.
A pair of dissimilar metal wires that generates an electrical force at a point of contact that varies in proportion to temperature.
So, that point starts falling back behind the point of contact because the wheel is rotating at the same time as it's moving forward.
The principal point of contact at the client (c), who also understands some of the strategic potential, but is similarly denied visibility.
Each trial should have a single point of contact for the trial as a whole, regardless of the countries in which the trial is being conducted.
The problem with this type of gear is that the distance from the center of each gear to the point of contact changes as the gears rotate.
Service portals typify this pattern, providing a single point of contact for multiple services and hiding the details of internal services.
Facade VM - to provide a single point of contact for a large scale system consisting of many virtual machines to view collection as a single unit.
A graphical user interface that provides a single point of contact for browsing, analyzing, and correlating logs produced by multiple products.
Each travel agency selected one point of contact name and email address on the list. That person will be first point of contact for all inquiries.
As the Agency's point of contact for the families, Ben DeFelice held thousands of phone conversations over the years, especially with Downey's mother.
Perhaps the client's point of contact, taking a lead from his management's style, is similarly unwilling (u) to share this information with process mentor.
In this phase the call center as a business the important point of contact with the customer, every day, and a large number of customers in the interaction.
In this phase the call center as a business the important point of contact with the customer, every day, and a large number of customers in the interaction.