Imagine driving past a police radar. As your car approached, the electromagnetic waves from the radar would look slightly shrunk to you — if you could see them — when they reached you.
A 29-year-old mother told police she suffocated her two young sons before strapping them into their car seats and driving them into a river.
If the police notice that you are driving a car with an out of date registration, you'll get a big ticket, or worse!
We were off duty, but driving an unmarked take home police car with hidden lights and sirens.
Driving my car one afternoon, I rolled through a stop sign. I was pulled over by a police officer, who recognized me as his former English teacher.
So good companion dog driving a police car carrying the young lady went to check parrot.
A large queue of cars had built up behind me, yet none of them used their horn because I was driving my police car.
As I was driving my car on the expressway to the school, a police officer stopped me.
Booth, 49, was arrested on Monday after being spotted driving a car that matched the description of one allegedly involved in a robbery and failing to stop after a police officer signalled him to.
The police caught me driving with no car insurance and now I'm in right lumber .
Eight masked gunmen driving in two BMWs swooped down on the convoy sometime between 5 and 8 p. m., the police said, and forced the lead car to stop.
Prison Break actor Lane Garrison should be charged with manslaughter and drunk driving for a car crash that killed a teenage passenger and injured two others, police said.
I was on the high way when this car went past followed by a police car. They must have been driving at least 150 kilometers an hour.
Frenchman who raced through a motorway road block, triggering a high-speed police car chase that ended in a minor crash, has blamed aliens from Mars for his reckless driving.
Police in Schwerin say the 18-year-old abandoned a stolen SUV he was driving Thursday after failing to shake off a chasing patrol car by driving into a field.
On the way to the police station to file a police report I was pulled over. They impounded my car for driving without a license plate.
On the way to the police station to file a police report I was pulled over. They impounded my car for driving without a license plate.