The southeast is the most densely populated area.
Standing in the center of a densely populated area in East Osaka.
The huge part of populated area of Russia is covered with base stations.
Vesuvius isn't the only active volcano threatening this densely-populated area.
The volcano is situated in the remote Southern Red Sea Region of Eritrea, a thinly populated area.
Only the fact that the epicenter was not near a densely populated area prevented far greater casualties.
If it had struck a highly populated area, the deaths would have numbered in the millions, and the injuries even more.
It just happens to be that the ash from this volcano is going over a very populated area with a lot of heavy air travel.
'With a strong and shallow earthquake like this in such a populated area, it could really cause substantial damage,' he said.
That is actually the tornado's trail, and as you see, it's going to get much more dramatic as we get near populated area.
That would be devastating if it occurred over a densely populated area—of which there are many more than there were a century ago.
The most striking geographic feature within this densely-populated area is the Alps Mountain Range, commonly called the Alps.
As the standard of living conditions improving, the architecture standard of the populated area has been increased accordingly.
Standing in the center of a densely populated area in East Osaka. The windows reach from the buffer zone through to the outside from the inner house.
The sloping diagonal walls allow light to penetrate the home, providing a spacious feeling to the home which is situated in a densely populated area.
Objective To investigate indoor commensal rodent population structure in populated area, general institutions and emphasis institutions indoor in Wuhan.
However, the Modified Mercalli Intensity reached IX, and the occurrence of the earthquake in a highly populated area makes it of engineering significance.
In part, this is no surprise for any hurricane targeting such a densely populated area, as residents rush out to snap up supplies of bottled water and D batteries.
There are three scenic spots. In addition, the brochure points out, a total of eighteen waterfalls making it the world's mostly densely "waterfall" populated area.
The army claims that an operation against Mr Mehsud’s men in South Waziristan was ended last year after the militants corralled themselves in a thickly populated area.
The army claims that an operation against Mr Mehsud’s men in South Waziristan was ended last year after the militants corralled themselves in a thickly populated area.