But in the meantime, try to make the most of your situation. You might be surprised that a positive attitude can change your success more than hard work alone.
In these neutral times, when we are neither ecstatic nor extremely sad, the slightest change in attitude can swing our happiness balance drastically in either a positive or negative direction.
Since I've made a regular habit of doing this, multiple friends and acquaintances have noticed a positive change in my attitude.
Having a positive attitude is one of the keys to making a successful change, according to Judy Zerafa, author of several books based on how people can improve their lives.
Cultural competence requires learning to expect differences and having a positive attitude toward challenges and change.
Let's unravel some top tips on how to have a positive attitude and see how that can change our lives.
A prolonged negative attitude would make you miserable and regressive whereas a change to a positive attitude would spur you to think of possibilities.
Group guidance for effective parenting can make a positive change on rearing attitude and improve the child-parent relationship.
Group guidance for effective parenting can make a positive change on rearing attitude and improve the child-parent relationship.