It is yet premature to predict the possible outcome of the dialogue.
It's so easy to think about the worst possible outcome of what we're attempting.
RISK uses all this information, along with an Excel model, to analyze every possible outcome.
@RISK 利用所有信息,以及Excel模型,来分析每个可能的结果。
It is the experience of the worst possible outcome of your choices, decisions, and creations.
You could even take it a step further and imagine the best possible outcome for the situation.
On the other hand, you may dislike an alternative, but be very excited about the possible outcome.
Calculate the lowest number of injuries for children for each possible outcome, and take that route.
Assume that the only possible outcome is success, and then challenge yourself to prove how that can happen.
Placing your focus on the worst possible outcome cancause you unnecessary anxiety, and stop you taking action.
Placing your focus on the worst possible outcome can cause you unnecessary anxiety, and stop you taking action.
If you feel you can live with both the alternative as well as the possible outcome, this is the wise decision you should follow.
For every scenario, think about whether the best possible outcome is worth accepting the risk of the worst possible outcome.
When we imagine the worst possible outcome, we scare ourselves into believing the possibility of that outcome actually occurring.
Remember that we have prepared for this minutely, ensuring the best possible outcome for all in this event of cosmic proportions.
For success, you need to be guided by the spirit of RUP 1 and you want to follow RUP best practices for the best possible outcome.
One possible outcome is a better way to deploy your existing Rational tools so you can implement a best practice with what you already have.
If you are leaking, your best possible outcome is you have a really bad headache, kind of like you have a spinal tap or other piercing of the dura.
Can the euro be saved? Not long ago we were told that the worst possible outcome was a Greek default. Now a much wider disaster seems all too likely.
If you are very happy about a decision, but are not as comfortable with its possible outcome, this is a clue that this is not a wise decision for you.
A Nash equilibrium, however, is rarely the best possible outcome; it is merely the one that pertains if the players are unable or unwilling to co-operate.
One possible outcome is a settlement in which E&Y agrees to co-operate with the prosecutors in cases they may bring against Lehman's former executives.
A bottom line ACTS as a final barrier where a negotiation will not proceed further; it signifies the worst possible outcome that a negotiator will accept.
Next, imagine the best possible outcome; by this point, you'll be in a more positive frame of mind and better able to assess the situation more realistically.
The primary objective of neurosurgeons is to achieve the best possible outcome for patients while minimizing nervous-system injury through their interventions.
A bailout at this stage would be theworst possible outcome for American taxpayers and mortgage holders, who havebeen paying a risk premium to these foreign investors.
Hironori Kanayama, chief executive of Honda's joint venture with Guangzhou auto, said on the auto show's sidelines that Honda isn't concerned about such a possible outcome.
本田与广汽合资企业的首席执行长门肋轰二(Hironori Kanayama)在车展间隙说,本田对这种可能的结果并不担心。
If the worst possible outcome is completely unacceptable to you, meaning that you could never forgive yourself if it happens, then you probably shouldn't make that decision.
If there's more than one possible outcome of a job or task, and one of those outcomes will result in disaster or an undesirable consequence, then somebody will do it that way.
If there's more than one possible outcome of a job or task, and one of those outcomes will result in disaster or an undesirable consequence, then somebody will do it that way.