The significance of this date will make this period even more potentially unstable in 2009 than it was in 2008.
SVT testers must typically learn about features while the design is still in flux, the documentation is not yet available, and the code base is potentially unstable.
通常在该特性尚处于设计阶段时,没有可用的文档,代码库可能很不稳定,但是SVT 测试人员必须对其进行研究。
SVT testers must typically learn about features while the design is still in flux, the documentation is not yet available, and the code base is potentially unstable.
通常在该特性尚处于设计阶段时,没有可用的文档,代码库可能很不稳定,但是SVT 测试人员必须对其进行研究。