Congress does, after all, have the power to amend or repeal its own law, though Barack Obama has the veto, and has promised to use it should Congress try to dodge the bullet.
I am very actively involved as a concept designer in all stages of the work to make sure I was getting exactly what I want and hold the ultimate veto power.
But the more serious threat comes from semiautonomous machines over which humans retain nothing more than last-ditch veto power.
Egypt wants to retain veto power over projects in any country, and with Sudan argues that the main provisions of the colonial-era treaty should be preserved.
He references one of his biggest mistakes as giving veto power to two investors on his board of directors, who abused that power and blocked him from doing good deals sometimes.
And although China has an aversion to using its veto alone in the Security Council, its growing self-confidence as a great power suggests that it might do so now.
Five years later, Bush will use his veto power for the first time to kill legislation that would permit broader federal funding for stem-cell research.
Now that Mr Bush has discovered the power of the veto pen, he sees little incentive to keep it in the inkwell.
Mr Medvedev’s November proposal for a new European security treaty focuses on hard power and implies a veto on NATO expansion which is unpalatable to the West.
The one big difference between then and now is that Chamberlain and Daladier did not have the power of veto.
Mr Medvedev's November proposal for a new European security treaty focuses on hard power and implies a veto on NATO expansion which is unpalatable to the West.
As China's voting rights rise, the US will see its share drop from 16.7% to 16.5%. The US also retains its veto power.
The Dutch have suggested a commissioner in Brussels with power to veto countries' fiscal excesses, and to impose his judgments by law.
Even the relatively mild language on Syria faces stiff opposition from Russia, a Syria ally, which has veto power as a permanent Security Council member.
China, which wields veto power at the U. N. Security Council, insists the United Nations spearhead the post-conflict reconstruction in Libya.
At issue is the makeup of the Security Council's membership, who gets veto power, regional representation.
The future fate of veto power remains to be constrained by the general pattern of the international community.
But China and Russia, who have veto power in the Security Council, oppose sanctions against Iran.
It is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council wielding veto power, and it is also one of eight acknowledged nuclear powers.
The only areas that we are dominating and expanding out lead are in creative litigation and allowing every activists or "stakeholder" veto power over any proposed project.
Substantive negotiations on the issues of membership, veto power and regional representation will start on March 4.
Substantive negotiations on the issues of membership, veto power and regional representation will start on March 4.