No, thanks. I prefer to do the driving myself.
If I'm blowing money, I'd prefer to do it in the Wynn in Vegas.
And one of the women said, "You know, Mark, please, we prefer to do this standing up."
We prefer to do mainly sprint and little long distance running in stead of weight training.
Do you prefer to do couples of small assignments or one or two big assignments?Explain why.
You could use a code coverage tool before step 4, but I prefer to do the preceding steps manually.
As one Xiamen official succinctly reminded us: 'we prefer to do business with people we know'.
What I prefer to do is give physicians both the beneficial effects and side-effects of this class of drugs.
But like all persistence frameworks, it forces you to manage some low-level details I'd prefer to do without.
I'm not criticizing planning or talking... they can be beneficial, but now I prefer to do something instead of talking.
Everyone has certain likes and dislikes, and there is no denying that we all prefer to do the things that we like.
Mousewives prefer to do these jobs: Online market research ; Selling books, DVDs or CDs online and Mystery shopping.
To understand why people from the other side of the globe prefer to do things this way or that way may be very difficult.
What I find interesting - and what could change the face of business - is that they may prefer to do that working for themselves.
What's happening in your city next week? Fill in the calendar with special events. Then discuss what you would prefer to do together.
Whenever it is easier or more convenient to re-use experience, humans prefer to do that rather than to derive solutions from scratch.
How to avoid the situation in the future: Announce what you would prefer to do instead of a shower before anyone offers to throw one.
So, if it has sunny day, most of people prefer to do some outdoor activities and enjoy the warm sunshine, rather than to stay at home.
As a student, I prefer to do research online, and often use Google books or something similar when I need to look at a book for a class.
A few prefer to do the job themselves: HSBC has a service called Easy-Send, popular with Mexicans, which allows clients to wire money abroad.
Web surfers like to socialise while they browse the Internet, but many prefer to do so only with their friends rather than with perfect strangers.
Smart Internet marketers don’t do anything by themselves. They prefer to do part of the work, and then partner with someone else to do the rest of it.
You will be left on your own on many occasions not because Americans are uncaring, but because among themselves, they prefer to do things on their own.
Partition: you can partition your drive using the built-in GUI tools included in the installer, or you could use cfdisk if you prefer to do things manually.
Partition: you can partition your drive using the built-in GUI tools included in the installer, or you could use cfdisk if you prefer to do things manually.