The latest victim was a 29-year-old pregnant woman who died in a Kabul hospital, the authorities said.
The guidelines can be applied even before a woman becomes pregnant, the association said in a scientific statement.
Writing in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, Professor Larson said that the expectation of baby brain may be so strong that a pregnant woman is extra-alert to memory lapses.
Two days after that, a Syrian refugee hacked a pregnant woman to death with a machete—"relationship troubles", the police said.
Ideally, these issues should be considered before a woman becomes pregnant, the ACOG panel said.
They result when a mishap occurs during heart development soon after conception and often before the woman is aware she is pregnant, "it said."
"It is hard to tell if a woman is pregnant, and give up a seat, when she doesn't have a baby bump," said Lee Gyeong-eon, a 23-year-old college student who frequently travels by subway.
“孕妇没有显怀时,人们很难辨别她是否怀孕,因此也难以决定是否应该让座,”一名经常乘坐地铁的23岁大学生LeeGyeong - eon说道。
"It is hard to tell if a woman is pregnant, and give up a seat, when she doesn't have a baby bump," said Lee Gyeong-eon, a 23-year-old college student who frequently travels by subway.
“孕妇没有显怀时,人们很难辨别她是否怀孕,因此也难以决定是否应该让座,”一名经常乘坐地铁的23岁大学生LeeGyeong - eon说道。