In many rural areas, because of social prejudice against women are worried about AIDS testing.
The speaker had an obvious prejudice against women, so all the female participants walked out of the meeting room.
Obviously, there is prejudice against women in employment. So girl graduates find more trouble getting a job in the society, not to mention their promotion in careers.
It is true that in some sector of our country misogyny exist and there is prejudice against women, but one has to think whether is it fair to generalize this idea for the whole country.
Despite the fact that there was great prejudice against women entering men's profession then, she successfully proved her abilities.
Even now women can't enjoy fully equal promotional prospects with men as a result of the prejudice against them.
It is not acceptable that some companies have prejudice against female employees and think that women are not as capable as men.
It is not acceptable that some companies have prejudice against female employees and think that women are not as capable as men.