But presently we have no concrete prescript in the field. This thesis is trying to solve this problem.
There is only a little recite on testament execution in Inherit Law, but has not essential prescript about it.
Finally, the best prescript of nano epoxy bond coating is recommended. The basic data are recommended for the aim of usage in bonding field.
The description of the crime should be modified, that is, to cancel the prescript of "the man who assumes arbitrator responsibility by law."
In order to ensure the oil temperature within the prescript range and a correct and reliable test result, a temperature autocontrol system was developed.
When the hymn was rising with accompaniment the follower could feel God beside them. They raise their hands, singing, praying and receiving the prescript.
Practice has witnessed that the prescript on deductions from income from wages and salaries is not reasonable in that the scope of expense deductible is too narrow.
Because customers are lack of knowledge about medicines, their ACTS of choice and purchase of drugs are heavily affected by doctors who can prescript the medicaments.
According to Article 17 Section 2 life imprisonment can not be applied whether it is dealt with leniently or mitigation of penalty below the minimum statutory prescript.
If deltamethrin be used with prescript dose in paddyfield, it will have no harmful effect on fish breeding in paddy field and nearby fish pond, but will be more harmful to shrimp.
The prescript of the affiliated obligation is simple, we should nail down the forms of it, improve the legal efficacy of it, and nail down the duty form and the principle of disobeying it.
Although the prescript of Intent crime doesn't have a large proportion in criminal laws of each country in the world, it still can be considered an important type of crime in criminal law.
Although the prescript of Intent crime doesn't have a large proportion in criminal laws of each country in the world, it still can be considered an important type of crime in criminal law.