Some preset the system time on their computers to view the blackout, with help from online instructions.
The life span of the data saved to a session is, at most, from the moment the user accesses a domain to the moment when a user times out after a preset amount of time of inactivity.
He preset the video recorder at the desired time.
Does anything happen automatically at a preset time?
They simply define a set of preset configuration option values that allows you to use a component without having to pass default values each and every time.
The best part at thiscool telephone is that it will call to a preset number every time when thealarm is activated and it will detect a moving presence.
For components 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, the preset local processing time is 0.5 second; for component 5, the time is 3 seconds, which is the point where the bottleneck resides.
A transient cookie is like any other with the exception that it is destroyed once the user disconnects from the server or is inactive for some preset time.
The InitialContext will be constructed with all its properties preset by the application server run time.
构建 InitialContext,所有的属性由应用服务器在运行的时候预先设置。
Answer: The config_too_long event is an informational event run by PowerHA whenever a cluster event runs for longer that a preset time. This can occur when.
The sterilization time can be preset and the sterilization temperature can be controlled automatically. When timing is over the unit cuts out the power automatically.
When a game time elapses, the watch automatically counts backwards again from the preset time.
The stopwatch, which counts backwards, emits a signal tone after a preset time has elapsed.
Pulse voltage, pulse width, preset DC bias, and bias time can be defined by user.
When the night Mode is applied and the time is at the preset night time, (see setting of night time), night Mode will be executed.
Now its time to render the final image. Below you can see the preset I use for the final rendering.
Common form of the pressure switch, volume switch, time switch and flow switch, that is, to achieve the preset inspiratory pressure, capacity, time or flow rate is converted to breath.
The welding current, arc voltage, preset current, the period and ratio of pulse, base current, down slope time, gas pre and post flow time are sampled, calculated and controlled by microprocessor.
The releasing mechanism is a timer mechanism to release the payload after a preset time, or alternatively, is a wireless controlled mechanism.
A fast access time is obtained by utilizing a bit line equalizing technique, a high speed hierarchical sense amplifier and a preset data output buffer.
For fans of precision: the countdown timers help you to remember specific or recurring events by giving off an audible signal at a preset time.
The sterilization time can be preset and the sterilization temperature can be controlled automatically.
When ethylene oxide reaches specified density and time, the indication ink on the indication label changes color from red to blue, so as to judge whether sterilization reach the preset standard.
This paper interprets the means of the development of the preset unit of TCSC Test Controller with ARM microprocessor, embedded real time operating system and the USB technique.
3 factory preset options (55/40/30 racks per hour, 65/90/120 seconds per cycle): 46 seconds powerful wash, 10 seconds dwell time, 9 second hot water rinse.
The special bait is thick fishy and sweet, is more fishy after entering water and can lead huge fishes to be lured into a preset place within shortest time.
上述专用饵,浓 香味甜,入水后香味特浓,可在最短的时间内把鱼大量的诱聚到所事先设置好 的方位中。
This circuit is implemented on a monolithic chip, which is comprised of a period time sampling unit, a peri-od distanee preset unit, an arithmetic unit, a clock and time sequence unit.
Points can be pre-set between the scan speed grades 1-64, preset point setting residence time 1-60 seconds.
可将预制点间扫描速度设置1- 64等级,预置点停留时间设置为1 - 60秒。
Countdown timer time can be arbitrarily preset each has a scoring device.
Countdown timer time can be arbitrarily preset each has a scoring device.