Just press a button on your mobile phone and a map on your screen will tell you where to look.
The volunteers were asked to perform a task where they had to press a button every time they saw a particular image on a computer screen.
A button press on a tagged asset might have a relatively fixed interpretation.
You press a button and your family picture is up on the flat-screen TV set on the wall.
It's like telling someone, "Hey, if you press this button, you'll get a treat, but also a bonk on the head."
Interpret the button press event and map it to a valid asset STATUS (more on this in the next section).
He told them to press a button with either their right or left index fingers whenever they felt the urge, and to remember the letter that was showing on the screen when they made the decision.
Think about what happens when users press their mouse on a button, realize it's a mistake and move their mouse off of the button before releasing it.
And by the way, there's no "reboot" - you have to press the power button on the Mini laptop.
To align items in the table, select the plus (+) button on the canvas, press the Ctrl key, and click the table.
Press the edit button on the for each transform (the yellow arrow) to display and edit the nested map (Figure 3).
PocketCaster itself is easy — just a press of a button, really — and the video will appear on the Web site after a five - to 10-second delay.
Now, I'm gonna try an experiment. I don't do experiments, normally. I'm a theorist. But I'm gonna see what happens if I press this button. (presses button on remote)
On the h:secret tab of the attributes view go to the Value field and press the button to the right of the field.
If you say "you know" too much, wear a golf counter on your wrist, and press the button whenever you catch yourself saying "you know".
To modify the sensitivity and acceleration Settings, press Android's Menu button and select Settings while on the GMote touch screen.
在GMote触摸屏幕按Androids Menu(安卓菜单)按钮,并选择Settings(设置),来调整灵敏度。
Reboot the device after seeing the limera1n raindrop icon on your phone's screen (press the power button to reboot).
Select Web Library Projects and press the Add button on the right of the right of the Properties dialog (Figure 13).
Assuming that you are capable of holding on to the key, just press the giant red button and a resounding belch will issue forth from your Beer pager beer cozy/coaster.
我们假设你不会把钥匙搞丢,那么只需按钥匙上的红色按钮就行了。 然后你就会听见从你的啤酒杯托发出一声响亮的打嗝声。
They then had to inhibit that response and not press the button when a different stimulus appeared on the screen in its place.
In more complicated scenarios, you might want to interpret the expected operational behavior of a button press based on coordinating more available information.
For those of you who do any shopping online, this is precisely why you see warnings not to press the order submit button more than once or else you'll end up with multiple charges on your credit card.
He told them to press a button with either their right or left index fingers whenever they felt the urge and to remember the letter that was showing on the screen when they made the decision.
I spoke immediately, saying I was on the intercom, and requested that he simply press the large button on the machine before him.
Yet if we just press the "pause" button on our emotions, taking time to mull over our choices, many crises can be defused.
Just point to a link anywhere on a webpage and press the middle mouse (scroll) button. It opens the page in a new TAB.
The firm designs the grid of upcoming programmes that people see when they flop in front of the television and press a button on the remote control marked "TV guide".
To set the center position of your game pad's thumb control, press a button on your game pad without pressing the thumb control.
To set the center position of your game pad's thumb control, press a button on your game pad without pressing the thumb control.