The only boys who will talk to them now are soft-spoken and gentle, like the doctor's pretty sissy son, who ties ribbons to the poodle's curls.
Like most pretty things, they are a little high-maintenance and a bit picky: they like light, but only north-facing; they hate draughts; and they only like soft water.
A very pretty room, with soft carpets and white walls.catherine and I would love to have a room like that!
TO THE 935 pupils at St Herman Nkoni primary school, on the Masaka-Mbarara road, the slight, bookish-looking, soft-voiced man with the thick-lensed glasses was a pretty good head teacher.
The base rendering was pretty brutal. However, I was just looking for a rendering with soft shadows and some basic texture information.
The pale blue and white soft furnishings create a fresh light atmosphere in this pretty room.
Meg was sixteen years old and was very pretty, with large eyes and soft brown hair and white hands.
The librarian there was a pretty, soft-spoken young woman named Lilly.
A very pretty room, with soft carpets and white walls. Catherine and I would love to have a room like that!
Enjoy very popular wine with a medium body, deep red color and soft tannins. It will become more pretty and fruity as the time goes by.
I don't use any gel, and my hair still looks and feels soft and pretty.
Loksion is able to help you! It can make all surface materials feel soft, like the wooden. It can make color of surface materials pretty bright and fresh.
Soft image tone can make portrait appearing more beautiful: the face wrinkles seem fade partly or completely, the skin becomes glossy and bright, thus people will look younger and pretty.
He is pretty experienced in various fields such as Internet ads, key client sales, brand marketing, channel development, as well as soft skill area e. g. team building etc.
He is pretty experienced in various fields such as Internet ads, key client sales, brand marketing, channel development, as well as soft skill area e. g. team building etc.