Production has dropped while prices and unemployment have skyrocketed.
They raised prices and cut production, instead of cutting costs.
"McDonald's could see a benefit if our production went up and prices went down, and no benefit if we went out of business," she says.
Allowing the market, interest rates, and other prices to function to encourage the shift in production will be particularly important.
Lower energy prices and falling demand have naturally hit Eni's profits from production, refining, marketing and petrochemicals.
Input prices and input purchases also fell by records as firms cut inventories of production materials in anticipation that demand will remain slack.
At the same time, falling demand is depressing industrial production, and declining commodity prices are squeezing the fiscal position of many export-dependent economies.
Global warming has already harmed the world's food production and has driven up food prices by as much as 20% over recent decades, new research has revealed.
In addition, prices of the means of production have continued to rise and real estate prices have risen steeply, making the task of holding down inflation difficult.
With prices surging and resources in the Pilbara region abundant, by late last year 95 had announced production plans.
They said new orders were flowing in, production was ticking up and their prices were rising.
Oil fuels transportation and farm machinery, and natural gas is the basis of synthetic nitrogen production (prices have tripled since 2002).
Subsidies have similar effects, depressing world prices and inhibiting entry by inducing surplus production by noncompetitive, and often large producers.
Growing global demand for biofuels is also eating up grain production, and boosting prices.
Higher energy prices, which makes biofuels profitable and crops that feed them more sought after. Higher oil prices also boosts farm production costs, such as diesel.
Growth improved from 2002 at 4% to 2003 at 5%, due largely to high copper prices and new gold production.
"High commodity prices experienced over recent years led to increased production and correspondingly to greater fertilizer use," said Jan Poulisse, FAO fertilizer expert.
“近年来商品价格持续走高导致了产量的增长和相应的肥料利用量的提高,”粮农组织肥料专家Jan Poulisse说。
Four related trends have slowed production growth and pushed prices up.
All this is hampering the production of metals around the world, and so slowing the fall in prices.
Even in Brazil, which has not experienced an outbreak of the disease, weakening world demand and lower prices have induced the main suppliers to reduce production by 15% this year.
"We need to look more closely at the impact on food prices and the environment of different production methods and to ensure we are more selective in our support (for biofuels)," he said.
"We need to look more closely at the impact on food prices and the environment of different production methods and to ensure we are more selective in our support (for biofuels)," he said.