Print sales will be the prime focus although there will be an opportunity for online sales.
An ingratiating, indulgent tone lollops into the narrative whenever it settles on this woman, the story's prime mover, if not its prime focus.
The results show that the correlation operator with the cooperation of the lean operator can locate the prime focus position accurately, the accuracy is over 95%.
实验结果表明:将所提出的对焦评价算子和搜索算法结合使用, 能够准确实现自动聚焦,准确度达到95%以上。
The prime focus of an investigation into a rite's virtual power to generate meaning is the symbols , structure, mode of performance , and thrust of the rite itself.
However, in a retrospective the focus is solely on making improvements and we use this Prime Directive to help keep us in constructive mode.
Former British prime minister Tony Blair said he expects this meeting to focus on ways of further integrating dynamic East and South Asia into the world economy.
This month David Cameron, Britain's prime minister, asked the Office of National Statistics to measure the country's "general well-being", as part of his promise to focus on GWB not just GDP.
Take a boring photo with your 50mm f/1.8 prime wide open, with a small sliver of your subject in focus.
As a prime mover of the naval ship's power plan, the low load performance of a diesel engine is a focus by us.
"Sub prime mortgage crisis" in the United state 2007 has triggered the outbreak of the global financial crisis, making the research focus return to the real estate industry.
The plan was to banish the Prime Evils to Sanctuary, causing chaos and terror to shift the legions of angels to focus on protecting the mortal realm, leaving the High Heavens vulnerable to attack.
The plan was to banish the Prime Evils to Sanctuary, causing chaos and terror to shift the legions of angels to focus on protecting the mortal realm, leaving the High Heavens vulnerable to attack.