This business object encapsulates the Notes document in a private instance variable inherited from the BOEntity class, so any direct access to this document and its items is prevented.
The agent private memory can be increased by moving the instance Shared memory to a higher address by setting the DB2DBMSADDR DB2 registry variable.
我们可以通过设置DB2DBMSADDRDB 2注册表变量,将实例共享内存移到更高的地址,从而增加代理私有内存。
The agent private memory can be increased by moving the instance Shared memory to a higher address by setting the DB2DBMSADDR DB2 registry variable.
我们可以通过设置DB2DBMSADDRDB 2注册表变量,将实例共享内存移到更高的地址,从而增加代理私有内存。