If at any point in the code, an error occurs such that processing cannot continue, we retrieve the system error message (if any), and display it along with our own message.
In our exercise, you'll be using two more functions to do error processing after a database operation.
The error log contains diagnostic information and records any errors that it encounters in processing requests.
Despite the apparent success of the code in Listing 13, there's still a problem — what if the server responds to your request and finishes processing, but reports an error?
In addition, it provides functions such as message logging, augmenting messages with data from a database, and error processing that is tailored to your requirements.
If there is an error in the processing, an exception is thrown, which is then also formatted as JSON.
In other words, your program should be able to recover from this sort of error rather than having to stop parsing and processing.
At first, the logic behind this sounds reasonable: If you change this data element from optional to required, you essentially duplicate error processing that occurs elsewhere in the system.
In WCF applications, service methods communicate processing error information by using fault messages.
However, whether or not an error occurred in the processing of the message is a whole different story.
In the processing function, you get a pointer to the YYLTYPE structure holding the location, and you can generate a nice error message.
Along those lines, then, I'll look at the ErrorHandler interface in the next tip, and explain how it can add error handling and reporting capabilities to your XML processing with SAX.
然后,沿着这个方向,我将在下一个技巧中分析Error Handler接口,并解释如何用SAX在XML处理中加入错误处理和报告能力。
In the policy canvas, as shown in Figure 21, you can define message processing request, response, or error rules.
Using the approach in Listing 1, the script exits if there is any error in the copy process, thus not allowing the script to carry on processing if there is an error.
Explicit error-handling code in the body of the procedure is then used to do the error processing.
This tends to be more powerful and more flexible, in particular with respect to error processing.
Utility error processing solution has been added. This enables you to read data within UDMA mode for cases where previous version could read the data only in PIO mode.
实用程序的错误处理解决方案已添加。这使您可以读取数据,在UD MA模式情况下,以前的版本可以读取数据仅在PIO模式,。
This communication card supports the CAN2.0 protocol, and greatly improves performance of all sides, especially in error processing, overload ability and acceptance filter and so on.
该通讯卡实现了CAN 2.0通讯协议的所有功能,并且各方面的性能都有了很大的提高,尤其是在错误处理、超载能力以及接收滤波等方面。
A better error-handing facility included for faster exception processing resulted in revenue savings.
The methods for image processing designed in the article are the exploring of application of digital image analysis in the intaglio printing error detecting.
In this paper dynamic measurement data processing is used to separate the results of measurement, systematic error and the random error.
An error in processing one of the web service methods (which does not enable the method to finish successfully) is exposed as a SOAP exception that your code can catch.
Robust regression analysis and minimax residual error analysis are two aspects in data processing of dynamic measurement.
Requested action aborted. Local error in processing.
In multimedia signal processing, quantization error is a function of input signal and it results in the audible distortion and noise modulation in the audio signals.
Error in batch input processing.
This article introduced the methods of data acquisition and processing by computer for machining error, and settled the problem of real time graph output in the manufacture process.
A new calculation method was used in order to avoid increasing calculation error in the data processing of the rotating disc electrode.
A new optical system is designed for the material surface temperature-measuring device used in laser processing. The measurement error analysis and conclusions are presented.
Introduce several methods of digital percolate ave, nonlinear compensate and error correction, as well as zero error and automatic trace processing method in this article.