This paper foresees that developed ICAD based on the model and the reasoning can support product concept design.
In order to satisfy the customers' requirements of quality, cost and environment, these three factors must be considered during product concept design.
Mechanical product concept design is complex and ill-structured. A complex mechanical system can be hierarchically decomposed into some simple sub-systems, with each sub-system designed differently.
Here's a cool design concept from product design Company 100% : a deliberately bare light bulb lamp that celebrates the smooth curves of Edison's greatest invention.
How do I know if my design should be entered as a concept or a product category?
Using soft design to realize the concept of emotional people and the interaction between products is a way to solve product design.
Starting with the green concept, it analyzed the design thinking of product function based on green design principle.
Design of 3d models with CATIA V5 from the first concept to the final product according to functional, cost, quality and manufacturing requirements.
运用CATIAV 5设计3d模型,从最初的概念到最终产品,以达到功能,成本,质量以及生产的要求。
Prophet do advertising design and production for cummins propaganda, which captures the company's concept and characteristics of the product, but also very creative.
Chapter two discusses the concurrent Engineering, including the concept of ce, the sequential and concurrent product design process and the concept and measurement of concurrent degree.
Be responsible to organize Technical Review of product concept and detailed design, and officially release and freeze detailed design of product (data, drawing,...).
This concept of infiltration from product development, design, manufacture, assembly and services to.
It follows through all the stages and activities involved in the creation of a new product - from concept design to manufacture, prototyping to marketing.
To introduce the concept and characteristics of common platform, product family design base on the common platform was discussed.
Design of 3d models with CATIA V5 from the first concept to the final product according to functional, cost, quality and manufacturing requirements.
The third part, it explains the concept of humanistic care. This chapter mainly analyses how to embody humanistic care on product design in the mobile Internet era.
This paper introduces the needs of customized life design on mechanical product and describes the concept and steps of customized life design.
The concept of specialty design is put forward, namely the design of concrete product within particular usage, and the method of product design is expanded.
The concept design is the first step of product design. The concept, characteristics and development trends of concept design are analysed.
The paper has advanced the concept that the design of product display is an important method for founding garment brand style and optimizing shopping mall space.
On applying symbol modeling principle to product conceptual design, the limit of geometry expression is avoided, and the innovation and abstract requirement of product concept modeling is fulfilled.
The concept of integrated performance indicator was introduced as a performance measure of design scheme to reveal contribution of parts design scheme to total customers satisfaction with product.
The concept of process fusion of product design in a virtual enterprise and architecture of virtual enterprise oriented process fusion and activity integration were put forward.
Next, it constructs the concept framework of cost control system with the application of engineering coaching method for product cost design.
The concept generation and interaction processes and their effects on product design were discussed.
The concept generation and interaction processes and their effects on product design were discussed.