Since its characteristics of high-technology, design of the machine would be easier to operate under the guidance of product semantics.
This special triangle design semantics comes from triangular warning sign, this triangle appearance conveyed a correct product function information which is moral warning role in the public places.
Product Semantics solely from the literal or theoretical level is not difficult to understand, but the real applied to product design is not a simple matter.
The research of semantics in the product design can be used to understand the aspects of communication.
The explicitness of the meaning of this theory helps industry designers to use product semantics theory to guide their industry design practice in a better way.
The semantics of Thai vogue product design was analyzed according to semasiology theory and from interpretation and communication. The new design method was also discussed.
In the consumption social controlled by sign logic, product semantics effectively helps product design turning from explicit practice function to latent culture deposition.
Mismatching between morphologic semantics in product design and users cognitive characteristics causes difficulty in users operation.
On this basis, it proposes used ways and means about topological form, and analyzed emotional semantics and aesthetic implications of topological form in product design.
To this end, in the product design, product semantics must take into account the important design factors.
ABSTRACT : In the consumption social controlled by sign logic, product semantics effectively helps product design turning from explicit practice function to latent culture deposition.
摘 要 :在符号逻辑支配的消费社会,产品语意学无疑成为产品由明晰的实用功能转向潜移默化的文化积淀的利器。
ABSTRACT : In the consumption social controlled by sign logic, product semantics effectively helps product design turning from explicit practice function to latent culture deposition.
摘 要 :在符号逻辑支配的消费社会,产品语意学无疑成为产品由明晰的实用功能转向潜移默化的文化积淀的利器。