A beautifully preserved boat, made around 3,000 years ago and discovered by chance in a muddy hole, has had a profound impact on archaeological research.
The emergence and spread of pastoralism had a profound impact on the history of Inner Eurasia, and also, indirectly, on the parts of Asia and Europe just outside this area.
Tourism has a profound impact both on the world economy and, because of the educative effect of travel and the effects on employment, on society itself.
The folk culture of ceramics has more profound impact on the life and arts at present.
All these trends have a profound impact on how we market to ourwebsite guests at ReadWriteWeb.
Here are just a few examples of situations that can have a profound impact on your servers.
It is certainly true that the invention of plane has had a profound impact on our lifestyles.
Of all the technologies rolled into the NLS demo, hypertext has arguably had the most profound impact.
The theory and practice of CSP has had a profound impact on the areas of concurrent design and programming.
The media are the most pervasive industries in today's world and they have profound impact on our lives.
Taking time to unwind from stressful events can have a profound impact on both physical and mental health.
But these findings make it clear that we can have a profound impact by using the treatments we already have.
And what this report has measured is the profound impact that social status has on the health of women and girls.
In addition to shaping architecture, car and gadget design, the Space Age had a profound impact on American pop culture.
Other people will have a profound impact on your success, from links through to advice - so networking is essential.
Such unapologetically static analysis ignores the profound impact globalization has had on the game over the past decade.
Or was it? We now know that social networking is having a profound impact on how we discover and share content online.
Many of the beliefs that have the most profound impact on our lives were not even acquired by us as an act of free will.
This habit, this way of living, can and will have an incredibly profound impact on your personal and professional success.
As an object, it has made a profound impact, becoming synonymous with the men and women who play it and the art it has been used to create.
The flood of devices is likely to have a profound impact on parts of the media business that are already being turned upside-down by the internet.
They can have a profound impact to fulfill the promise of a SOA - using it to improve business agility, increase revenue and reduce TCO in the long run.
By turning genes on and off, methyls can have a profound impact on the form and function of cells and organisms, without changing the underlying DNA.
He added: "the world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come."
He added: "the world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come."