A prospective study of postpartum depression: biological and psychosocial factors.
DESIGN: Randomized, single blind and placebo control prospective study based on patients.
Our aim was to conduct a large prospective study of the incidence and clinical course of PPT.
A prospective study was done of serum calcitonin levels in 61 patients with bronchogenic cancer.
In a prospective study, iatrogenic medication errors were registered among paediatric admissions.
Objective: our aim was to conduct a large prospective study of the incidence and clinical course of PPT.
Inflammatory cytokines and risk of coronary heart disease: new prospective study and updated meta-analysis.
To our knowledge, only a recent population-based prospective study conducted in Italy investigated the issue.
The next step is to design a prospective study so that we can see if these observed differences are actually real.
A 12-year Prospective Study of Childhood Herpes Simplex Encephalitis: is There a Broader Spectrum of Disease?
Prospective study of the effects of MMF on novel cardiovascular disease risk factors such as CRP is warranted.
Methods: A prospective study of 50 consecutive patients with nasal airway obstruction and OSA was carried out.
Methods: A multicenter community-based prospective study was conducted in 6,553 Japanese male and female workers.
Schuckit and colleagues have been conducting the San Diego Prospective Study(SDPS), a 25-year study of how AUDs develop.
However, he acknowledged that a prospective study was needed to take a closer look at MR results from zero to six weeks.
A large prospective study last year showed the A-B behavior distinction was not associated with coronary artery disease.
去年的一项大规模前瞻性研究表明,A - B型行为差异与冠心病没有联系。
This prospective study included pregnant women registered in health stations in randomly-selected communes in Ha Nam province.
They will also be conducting a prospective study to determine whether eating a traditional diet can truly prevent depression.
The influence of contrast material on renal venous renin activity was evaluated in a prospective study of 20 hypertensive patients.
Results: This prospective study shows that total posterior vitreous detachment has a clear preventive effect on both complications.
Methods This random, prospective study included 20 patients with cervical or lumbar vertebra disease, who required local nerve block.
She and associates there conducted a prospective study to determine the incidence of and factors associated with the development of IFIS.
她和同伴们在那里进行了一项前瞻性研究来确定IF IS的发生率及与IF IS发生相关的因素。
A match-controlling prospective study is taken in 52 cases of cesarean section with metal intrauteirne devices inserting at the operation.
Methods: we included 850 consecutive patients with a hip fracture who were admitted to the hospital during one year in a prospective study.
A prospective study in a suburban children's hospital published in 2007, showed that 87% of the cases during the study period were bacterial.
The paper by Peters et al reports a US prospective study of nine cases that were operated with the aid of Xiao and thoroughly followed up over 1 yr.
Peters等人的论文则报告了美国在肖的帮助下进行手术、 经过一年全面随访的有9名患者参加的前瞻性研究结果。
In a prospective study, participants are followed over time (e.g. across five years), and baseline information is compared with later follow-ups.
In a prospective study, participants are followed over time (e.g. across five years), and baseline information is compared with later follow-ups.