Protected species have reproduced in huge numbers.
They were arrested for trafficking in the eggs of protected species of birds.
The valley is also home to many protected species of plants including bamboo.
But I tried hard, completely disregarding the fact that it was a member of a protected species.
Other forms of fish piracy are targeting and catching protected species and using outlawed equipment.
Wildlife officials could use that technology to spot-check fish markets, and fine people who are selling protected species.
In view of protected species, 35.77% species are not under protection, most of which are Orchidaceae, Cycas and Phasianidae.
The survival environment analysis to protected species is the important means to detect the population decline and extinction reasons.
Occasionally we would see pods of the small pink dolphins which inhabit the Pearl River estuary area, now an endangered and protected species.
Black makes me look completely ashen, everyone else at the funeral will be wearing it and, when all's said and done, the hippo is a protected species.
Since macaque has been listed as protected species in the world, the biomedical research may face the predicament without experimental monkeys to be used later.
目前世界公认的标准实验猴是恒河猴(Macaca mulatta),然而自 从恒河猴被列为保育动物后,严禁出口,医学界正面临有钱可能买不到灵长类实验动物的窘境。
Currently, there are 156 wetland bird species in Jiaozhou bay belonging to 26 families and 12 Orders, including many worldwide endangered and nationwide protected species.
But in experimental areas protected from fire, a few perennial grass species eventually come to dominate, outcompeting all others.
There are also many species of rare plants protected here.
Nowadays, with at least 11 kinds of shark facing extinction and many more of the 400 species either vulnerable or endangered, sharks are to some extent protected.
And as global warming forces animals to migrate in order to escape changing climates, conservationists are looking to create protected corridors that would give the species room to roam.
Species like the lesser hairy footed dunnart have a better chance of survival during the unforgiving bust periods if their ecosystem is protected and well managed. (Dr Adam Kerezsy)
Will wolves disappear again from the lower 48 states if they are not federally protected by the Endangered Species Act?
In some Australian species, the attending ants even build thatched or earthen corrals to contain the caterpillars. By day the caterpillars are protected from predators by the corral and the ants.
Hoodia's a protected plant, and many experts suspect that companies replace some or all of it with another species of the same plant.
After days of intense negotiations in Paris, several species of shark hunted in the Atlantic Ocean are now protected.
为期数天的“巴黎对话”在声势浩大、热烈非凡、兼容并包的氛围中落下帷幕。 从此之后,一部分被过度捕杀的大西洋鲨鱼族群开始受到保护。
Half-a-dozen species of endangered sharks hunted on the high seas to satisfy a burgeoning Asian market for sharkfin soup are now protected in the Atlantic, a fisheries group decided Saturday.
这些深海中的濒危鲨鱼(译者注:不论类别,只论数量,也即,只要稀缺,就是濒危)是被猎来作“鱼翅汤”的——鱼翅汤是闻名遐迩的奢侈型美食,其亚洲市场需求呈现爆发性增长。 但是,一家渔人集团却在本周六作出决定,将大西洋深海中的濒危鲨鱼作为保护对象。
Because some species are protected and others are not, it is essential that wildlife crime investigators determined the exact species of their victims.
Not all whale species are protected under the 1986 commercial whaling ban; here, a bottlenose whale is prepared for delivery as Japanese men cut meat into manageable blocks.
If predictions hold true, the region will yield more new species discoveries in future, hopefully permitting expansion of protected regions on the animal and plant-rich island.
If predictions hold true, the region will yield more new species discoveries in future, hopefully permitting expansion of protected regions on the animal and plant-rich island.