The gateway must have a public-private key pair and a signed certificate.
As described earlier, the public-private key pair is based on the RSA algorithm.
For the truly paranoid who refuse to create a password-less SSH public-private key pair, there's the ssh-agent utility.
对于拒绝创建无密码ssh公私密钥对的真正的偏执狂来说,有一个ssh - agent实用程序。
If a server host name or IP address changes, the public-private key pair configuration will break because of the cached known hosts.
This section describes the process of generating the public-private key pair, which is the basis for encryption and digital signature.
To get an official digital certificate signed by a recognized certificate authority, you need to generate a public-private key pair and use the public key to create a certificate request.
During registration, either the client provides the public key, along with some proof of possession of the corresponding private key, or the service provider generates the key pair for the client.
The XKMS service generates a key pair for the client, registers the public key of the pair with itself, and sends the private key of the pair to the client for its use.
The callback in Listing 2 is designed to support both signing and decrypting using the same private-public key pair, so it checks for both cases and returns the same password in either case.
Application signing begins by generating a private and public key pair and a related public-key certificate, also known as a public-key certificate.
The trusted-host authentication and public-private SSH key pair authentication methods are similar and to a greater end achieve the same results.
You generate a key pair, which is composed of a public key and a private key.
Private-public key pair authentication requires both client and server configuration.
You enter the same passphrase with which you created the SSH private-public key pair, and the output of the command run on the remote destination server is seen locally back on your source server.
This command specifies that a personal certificate (public/private key pair) be generated in a keystore that is to be located in the current directory.
Before you can do anything with digital signatures, you need to create a key pair, a public key and a private key.
This will break scripts dependant on the private-public key pair.
A key pair is a pair of public and private keys used to authenticate a user.
Step 2: Get the private key of the key pair whose public key was used to encrypt the XML.
Let's look at how to generate, set up, and configure an SSH private and public key pair on typical Linux hosts (see figure 5).
Create an RSA key pair, public and private keys for authentication, by typing.
Create a DSA key pair, public and private keys for authentication, by typing.
First, we will use the Keytool to create a keystore, in which there will be a pair of keys (the public key and the private key).
In Listing 1, -genkey indicates a public and private key pair entry, as well as an X.509 v1 self-signed, single-element certificate chain that includes the generated public key.
在清单1中,- genkey表示一个公共、私有密钥对项,以及一个X . 509v 1自签署的单个元素证书链,其中包含生成的公共密钥。
The token is encrypted and signed by use of a password and a public/private key pair, stored in an HTTP cookie, and included in all requests for the configured SSO domain.
令牌以密码和公共/私有密钥对加密和签名,然后存储在HTTPcookie 中,最后包括在配置的 SSO 域中的所有请求中。
Create private-public key pairs using a strong passphrase and password protection for the private key (never generate a password-less key pair or a password-less passphrase key-less login).
Asymmetric cryptographic algorithms, also known as public-key algorithms, require that each entity maintains a pair of related keys: a private key and a public key.
The private key and public key are the function of a pair of big prime number (decimal number between 100 and 200 bit or larger).
Do you want to generate a new public and private key pair? The cryptographic service provider, key length, and hash algorithm Settings will be preserved.
Public Key and Asymmetric - Public-key cryptography uses a pair of keys, one that is designated the private key and kept secret, the other key is called the public key and is generally made available.