A decade of tax rises and public spending cuts combined with rises in interest rates is virtually inevitable.
The main rate of VAT, a consumption tax, went up from 17.5% to 20% on January 4th; deep public spending cuts get under way in April.
They now expect the state to clear up the financial mess caused by this greed and stupidity through public spending cuts and higher taxes.
But because those public spending cuts have hit economic growth harder than the EU or the IMF thought they would, they are still in breach of their agreement.
Retailers are hoping Britons will set aside worries about rising bills, taxes and public spending cuts, to splash out on their loved ones on February 14.
Until now, Germany has been able to point to its solid economy and low debt as proof that public spending cuts - austerity - are the answer to the region's debt crisis.
Promises to tackle budget deficits through public spending cuts and tax increases have offered little reassurance to bondholders, who know that austerity will hold back already-weak GDP growth.
Schools are the latest victims of cuts in public spending.
They announced cuts in public spending.
With domestic consumers squeezed by heavy debts, stagnant house prices and the prospect of sharp cuts in public spending, British firms must look elsewhere for demand for their goods.
A repair job on public finances stands a better chance of being durable if it relies on spending cuts rather than tax increases.
Should disaster aid, as a matter of sound public finance, be offset by immediate cuts in other spending?
Cuts in public spending will have to go far beyond the gimmicky blitz on top salaries, official cars and mobile phones mentioned so far.
The plan, which comprises a mixture of tax cuts and public spending measures intended to create jobs, is due to go before the US senate shortly and could be enacted by mid-February.
At the moment, the US has outlined less than half of the tax increases and spending cuts necessary to bring its public debt down in the medium term, the IMF calculated.
Chris Callandrillo of Catholic Charities worries that the bad economy will lead to cuts in public spending.
So far, these central Banks have held back, in view of the big cuts to public spending taking place, sluggish growth and idle resources.
Mr Solbes presides over a healthy budget surplus worth 2% of GDP, giving him plenty of room for tax cuts and a splurge of public spending on infrastructure.
To effectively cope with the crisis, we increased public spending by a large margin and carried out structural tax cuts.
In other words, the kind of spending cuts now being discussed in Washington and that much of the public seems to favor target a problem that doesn't exist.
In the 1990s, in Latin America and the Caribbean some 50 percent of the fiscal adjustment was borne by cuts in public infrastructure spending.
That makes cuts in public spending more urgent, they say.
The budget, for all its faults, sent a clear message. If the public finances are to be sorted out in the next parliament, either further cuts in spending or increases in taxation will be necessary.
Amid tough public-spending cuts designed to right the country's public finances, the budget of the Department for International Development has been spared.
It contains, obviously, public-spending economies, cuts in some departments, efficiency savings in others, but protection of the front-line services in health and education and policing.
Which would be embarrassing at the best of times, but with public-spending cuts looming and NASA’s budget flat for the foreseeable future, it is causing real strains.
Countries that seek IMF help generally have to endure brutal cuts in public spending, which deepen recessions.
It also warns that the poor will probably suffer disproportionately from the public-spending cuts to be detailed in the autumn.
It also warns that the poor will probably suffer disproportionately from the public-spending cuts to be detailed in the autumn.