In the next year he obtained, through the good offices of an old friend, a post with a publishing firm which, though not highly paid, he found more congenial.
The publisher is a newly-formed UK firm called Windupbird Publishing. Printed copies of the book, however, have been circulating in new York.
负责出版的是家名为飞翔鸟的英国出版公司(windupbird publising),虽然最近才成立,书的印刷副本却已经在纽约流传开来。
Only one firm has stopped publishing its inflation estimate.
After 244 years reference book firm Encyclopaedia Britannica has decided to stop publishing its famous and weighty 32-volume print edition.
Target Professions: foreign affairs, economy and trade, culture, press, publishing, education, and tourism-related business sectors, bank, law firm, etc.
Target Professions: foreign affairs, economy and trade, culture, press, publishing, education, and tourism-related business sectors, bank, law firm, etc.