AI does not improve the puerperal infection rate.
Objective To explore the interrelation between labor pains and puerperal depression state.
The puerperal period, the menstrual period, around the stream of people surgery cleanly nurses.
Objective To observe the effects of psychological rehabilitation on the puerperal force of puerperant.
METHODS The cases of puerperal hospital infection in recent 5 years were analyzed by retrospective survey.
Objective: To investigate the relative factors of puerperal morbidity and infection after cesarean section.
Results: 68. 4 % of late puerperal hemorrhage delivered in town hospitals and 31. 6 % in municipal hospitals.
The expression of HBVDNA in the kidney tissues of the died fetus that the puerperal delivery with hepatitis virus B;
Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of puerperal fever could be drastically cut by the use of hand disinfection.
As to puerperal hemorrhage, large dose of broad spectrum antibiotics should be given in addition with oxytocic drugs.
OBJECTIVE:To study the pharmacokinetics and serum fingerprints of Decoction for Puerperal Blood Stasis at different time.
前言: 目的:研究生化汤的药动学及不同时间的血清指纹图谱。
The effect of 50% Xiaoqi on painless childbirth by detecting pituitary prolactin (PRL) of puerperal with Radioimmunoassay.
Whether did the pregnancy merge heart disease patient pass the gestational 'childbirth time and the puerperal period safely.
Objective: To assess the diagnostic value of color Doppler power imaging (CDPI) in retained placenta during puerperal period.
The diagnosis accord rate, caesarean section rate, puerperal infection rate and neonate asphyxia rate of two groups were compared.
Objective: To assess the diagnostic value of contrast enhanced color Doppler power imaging in retained placenta during puerperal period.
Conclusion: the whole-course obstetrical nursing can shorten the period of puerperal lactation of colostrums and increase the amount of milk.
Objective Using systems thinking to explore the influence of epidural block anesthesia of labor on the correlative factors of puerperal depression.
Post-puerperal depression or other psychiatric states can be induced by an abortion, just as they can be by a spontaneous miscarriage or delivery at term.
The incidences of PIH, macrosomia, cesarean section, puerperal morbidity and fetal distress in GIGT were lower than those of GDM but higher than normal (P>0.05).
GIGT 组妊娠高血压综合征(PIH)、巨大儿、剖宫术、产后病率及胎儿宫内窘迫的发生率低于GDM 组,高于正常组,但差异无显著性(P>0.05)。
He urged fellow surgeons to wash themselves, put on clean clothes and refrain from deliveries for 48 hours after coming into contact with a case of puerperal fever.
Objective To observe the expression of HBVDNA and if there were copy of HBVM in the thymus tissues of the died fetus that puerperal infection with hepatitis virus b.
Conclusion in order to achieve the better effect, the measure of milk withdrawal should be taken as early as possible for those puerperal women improper to breast feeding.
Conclusion With the accompanying of puerperal-sitter, puerperants in puerperium would recover better with less lochia and infection, which improves the life quality of puerperants.
Methods220 parturients were divided into experimental group and control group. The level of puerperal depression and the rate of occurrence of puerperal depression in both groups were compared.
方法将2 2 0例产妇分成观察组和对照组,比较两组产妇产后的抑郁水平和抑郁症发生率。
Methods220 parturients were divided into experimental group and control group. The level of puerperal depression and the rate of occurrence of puerperal depression in both groups were compared.
方法将2 2 0例产妇分成观察组和对照组,比较两组产妇产后的抑郁水平和抑郁症发生率。