The faster the pulse repetition rate, the wider the spacing between the teeth, making each individual tooth easier to identify.
The focus is given to the influence of pumping power, cavity length, the output coupler transmission and initial transmission on the repetition rate, pulse width and output power of laser output.
Specially, the thermal lens effect is intensified due to the long tail attached to pulse, which leads to decreasing of conversion efficiency if pulse repetition rate is enhanced.
Then, transform it through the pulse sharpening circuit consisting mainly of capacitances and magnetic switches, finally outputting the high voltage and high repetition rate nanosecond pulses.
High laser pulse repetition rate up to 240 kHz.
Thus the quality of transmission is dependent on the pulse repetition rate, and for digital communication systems these two variables may be interchanged most efficiently.
The emission of repetition rate and intense current electron beam has different character with single pulse emission, and it has different request to the cathode.
Increasing the repetition rate, the output laser has the same repetition rate as the pump laser, but more sub-pulses will be output in one pump pulse.
The pulse generator converts input 3.3V digital signals with 5MHz repetition rate into 1.05V 400ps pulse width.
In the atmosphere, on propagation of High-Intensity lasers of high pulse repetition rate and narrow pulsewidth, the SRS will be serious because of molecular memory eff...
The experiments show that with large pulse width and high repetition rate of pump pulse, the dependent jitter scope of output laser pulse with pump pulse is increased.
A high voltage, high speed, and high repetition rate pulse generator solves the high pulse repetition rate limitations associated with RF power amplifiers.
In the atmosphere, on propagation of High-Intensity lasers of high pulse repetition rate and narrow pulsewidth, the SRS will be serious because of molecular memory effects.
In this doubly Q-switched laser, the AO Q-switch is used to control the pulse repetition rate and allow the laser medium to store energy to ensure that the population inversion is fully saturated.
Next, it introduces the extraction method of the time-domain parameters such as pulse width, pulse repetition rate and pulse range.
With the simulation, it's demonstrated that the output pulse width is a function of the pulse repetition rate or the fiber length.
A high repetition rate, compact micro-pulse all-solid-state laser is designed.
A high repetition rate, compact micro-pulse all-solid-state laser is designed.