Tough sheaths push through the earth and do the backwork needed for the emergence.
Sometimes they even push through the gums sideways.
The first way you can push through the muck is to use your goals as leverage.
He does not need agreement from all 27 member states to push through measures.
He has been trying to push through many of these changes since his appointment in 2005.
And the private sector may find it hard to push through another tough round of pay restraint.
But you do have the power to change those negative thoughts and push through self-doubting scripts.
They recruit those who are trusted and well-liked to spread information or push through changes.
For decades, liberals have relied on the courts to push through some of their most cherished policies.
He soon became equally unable to guide himself or to continue to push through the close undergrowth.
In the euro zone, doubts have been raised about the willingness of Greece to push through the required austerity measures.
But questions linger about whether the party has the skills to push through its ambitious spending plans in tight financial times.
'It makes no sense to talk about savings measures at a time when you are having to push through stimulus measures,' he told the paper.
But investors know from experience that treaty amendment is neither simple nor quick (it took years to push through the Lisbon treaty).
The Lakers have 22 regular-season games left, enough time to collect themselves and find the resolve to push through the rest of the season.
It finds economic recovery has been solid in most of Africa, noting the rebound is expected to push through at about five percent in 2011 and 2012.
Ms Merkel managed to push through 8.5 billion euro in tax relief for families and a reduction in value-added tax for hotel stays towards the end of 2009.
All right, then as I push through, I'm going to start with all of my gas on this side, and at the end I'm going to have all the gas on the other side.
Mr Pan complains thatSEPA cannot effectively push through central edicts because it does not directly employ environmental personnel at the local level.
Silver is getting ready to make its final push through $50 an ounce just as the regulator and market participants are madly raising margin requirements.
She must push through unpopular measures to cool the economy and sustain growth in the medium term, and to fulfil her promise to make the state more efficient.
The Blues have been looking push through a deal for Alex for some time, and after three seasons at PSV he was finally granted a work permit earlier this month.
All three economies are having to push through harsh austerity measures to create primary budget surpluses (ie, before interest payments) that will stabilise debt.
The danger is that she will seek to maximise her power rather than push through reforms and strengthen the institutions that would then keep her ambitions in check.
If the markets are neither persuaded by the Irish bail-out nor reassured that Dublin will push through its budget, they seem almost as fretful about the Iberian countries.
If the markets are neither persuaded by the Irish bail-out nor reassured that Dublin will push through its budget, they seem almost as fretful about the Iberian countries.