This may put a check on global warming by removing what would otherwise be a long-term constraint on the forest's ability to suck up carbon dioxide as it grows.
Very handy if you want to know when to run outside to put the top up on your convertible or when a break in the rain will allow you to run out and check your snail mail without getting drenched.
"I'll put patients on meridia-but I'll check their blood pressure once or twice a month," says Michael Steelman, M.D., a spokesperson for the ASBP.
It takes eight minutes to drive to the airstrip, start the Chinook helicopter's two engines, put on body armour and weapons and make a final equipment check.
In this case, the DBA can put a check constraint on the XML column and ensure that the application USES one of the pre-registered schemas for validation.
A check constraint is a type of constraint which can be put on a table column at the time of the creation of the table.
In the past if you lost a blank check all you needed to do was call your bank and put a block on the check number that you lost.
Ask participants to select eight items for the list below that they feel inspire them to do their best jobs. Have them put a check mark on the line to the left of those statements.
Based on my calculations, my daily usage is about 10 KWH so I have put a reminder on my calendar to check the balance at the end of May.
China a will put 6 men on the moon before 2019 after last unmaned mission to the moon in 2017. to check if Americans really have been to the moon or not.
Keep a check on it, and put the drain plug back on when the oil has finished draining.
I could put you on a waiting list, but you would be wise to check out other means of travel.
They shall put down check notes or on-the-spot survey records for check results, and make a check conclusion.
The landing is thread connected with stop ring and tightened on and put into downhole with drill string. The landing sub is used as a sub above drill string before check valve is run in downhole.
In some restaurants, a check is brought on a plate and you put your money there.
In some restaurants, a check is brought on a plate and you put your money there. Then the waiter or waitress brings you your change.
In some restaurants, a check is brought on a plate and you put your money there. Then the waiter or waitress brings you your change.