But, let me put in all the points at once, because they all lie on a straight line.
My pleasure, I don't know the details but I do know that its people like you and your wife that put your life on the line every day that make the world a better place.
On the other hand, people who have a deficiency of bravery are cowards; they won't put their ass on the line for anything.
When you want to put multiple statements or expressions on the same line, you can use semicolons to separate them.
I know that may sound contrary to what others may tell you, but it really is best not to put your emotional well-being on the line.
A century ago "wildcatters" put everything they had on the line to drill oil Wells, hoping to discover a gusher.
"I never once considered it appropriate to put taxpayer money on the line in resolving Lehman Brothers," he told reporters.
Now, I am such a strong believer of the conservation of mechanical energy that I am willing to put my life on the line.
And as I said, you guys put your lives on the line each and every day.
Also, because there is only one expression in the method body, we drop the braces and put the entire method definition on one line.
A painful, recent rejection - a long relationship ending suddenly against his wishes, perhaps - might be one reason why he's hesitant to put himself on the line.
This is the case in this month's column as we put together an on-line information directory.
But deep down, a wild, idealistic part of my nature burned to put my life on the line for world peace, and I despised myself for being a coward.
The sons and daughters of ourconstituents put their lives on the line for this country.
If we put one name per line in our text file, we can easily split the file contents on the newline character to build our source arrays.
The parts used in mass production are often manufactured elsewhere and then put together on a moving production facility known as an assembly line.
Bottom line - it would delay getting UNESCO to put the final seal of approval on it [i.e., the management plan] because the management plan is going through disputed territory.
I am courageous enough to put my head on the line boldly taking calculated risks and apply myself to the task at hand because I know that the battle is not mine but it belongs to the Lord.
"If you have moved house, you know how much time is wasted constructing the base of the box before you can put anything in it, and it's even worse on a factory assembly line," he says.
When Skipper Rolando spotted a color line in the water, with deeper blue water on one side and greenish blue water on the other, he signaled to put lines into the water.
Your newly created JSP is compiled, the application is redeployed to the server, and the debugger stops at the line you put the breakpoint on.
After the text has been drawn on the image, put a thin black box around the text and draw a line from the bottom of the box to the associated data point.
We should call it E-flat and put it up on the E line because there's kind of rule here that you have to use up each letter name in turn, each letter name in turn.
Obama put his personal prestige on the line - making three appeals in the space of 48 hours this week for Congress to deliver the bill.
Also, please refer to Command &Conquer in the subject line, so that I put it higher on my priority list.
The ILGA ASIA board wishes to thank all Indonesian activists who coordinated and put their necks on the line to ensure the safety of all the participants.
The personal curriculum you put together for yourself can be a combination of on-line training and experimentation.
Firefighters do a job that sometimes requires them to put their lives on the line.
I'm not a robot, and I'm not perfect, but I'm willing to put myself out on the line.
In this case I want to put a small feather on the selection before we mask as even though I want a crisp line, it's very rare that you don't need at least a small amount of feathering.