Put up a sign on your desk that says "Action".make this your mentality throughout the day.
Put up a sign on your desk that says “Action”. Make this your mentality throughout the day.
When the cost rises, sellers of such insurance, including banks and big insurers such as AIG, must put up extra cash as collateral to guarantee they'll be able to make good on their obligations.
Staff from its Consumer and Market Knowledge division tour the world and spend entire days with women to observe how they shop, clean, eat, apply their make-up or put nappies on their babies.
But pet owners now have to make orders online or in the shop since the first batch of such clothes were snapped up the moment they were put on sale.
This makes it troubling that many cities and states, struggling to make up budget shortfalls, have put schools on the chopping block.
To make it easy for them, however, he had written to them asking that they put up a signal for him when the train passed their little farm on the outskirts of town.
Perhaps even more bizarrely, the shop has decked her out in a Takashimaya uniform and put make-up on her face.
Rays of the morning glow, penetrating the quaintly carved window lattice, little by little, put on a stroke of light make-up in golden yellow for the delicate potted landscapes in the courtyard.
This is probably a compromise PBS had to make in order to be allowed to put these shows up on the Internet in the first place.
The Lord said to Moses, "Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live."
On the other night, I will usually make meatball subs or put some meatballs in a baked ziti or a lasagna. I try to change it up.
The study also found that more than a third of those wearing make-up borrow cosmetics from their wives or girlfriends -- with 40 percent of the women helping them to put it on.
But don't turn your back on love because when you find the right person, the joy that one person brings will make up for all the past hurts put together.
She is able to write 25 words per minute, dry her hair, put on her make-up, and wear her contact lenses at the same ease as anyone.
You put the "DND" sign on the knob, so the chambermaid didn't make up the room.
Landscape stone shape, in order to make it according to the appreciation appreciation viewpoints put up, it is necessary to rely on a lift.
Mum put more wood on the fire to make it burn up and the room became warm gradually.
The only way to treat them - aside from hiding them under make-up or a polar neck jumper - is to put ice on them to reduce the swelling.
Make up water in the skin, then put on the table water evaporated quickly, root wood don't have time to let the nutrient to permeate to the layer of skin.
How do we put in the Oval Office someone whose campaign manager has to go on every morning show after the debate and lie to try to make up for the nonsense her boss spouted?
他的竞选经理不得不在辩论后的第二天早上去每个晨间秀露脸,用撒谎的方式来尝试弥补老板喋喋不休的胡说八道。 面对这样一个人,我们怎么能把他送入椭圆形办公室?
Put up a sign on your desk that says "Action". Make this your mentality throughout the day.
There were colour papers, colour pens and everything you needed to make a card on the table. You made your own card and just put it up for display.
Yes, please. We're on our way out so we put the "make up" sign on. Could you bring us some towels and hangers?
I like this dresser with the big mirror, it will be easy to put on my make-up.
I like this dresser with the big mirror. It'll be easy to put on my make-up.
Before I left Shanghai for a journey I put it into a large enough vase to make sure the water would not dry up. Narcissus lives on water, anyway.
Jean: When will the movie start? I want to put on some make-up before we go. I don't like people to stare at my pimples.
Yet that day Stefanie requested for us not to take any picture of hers as she said she did not put on make-up, we lost our chance to have any proof of the meeting!
Yet that day Stefanie requested for us not to take any picture of hers as she said she did not put on make-up, we lost our chance to have any proof of the meeting!