Also at many tourist areas you can put one on and then get photos done of yourself.
He who carries three baskets must put one on his head, which is apt to tumble and trip him up.
He who carries three baskets must put one on his head, which is apt to tumble and trip him up.
About the pants! He said there was quality problems, when he put one on the seams started to rip.
Smear every layer with cream, sprinkle every with grated walnuts, put one on another for 30 minutes.
DAVE: Probably we can put one on that counter. And we can put one on the floor by the bed. Over there.
Wondering why I put one on the stern when I had those body clips on the other side to hold things together?
Basically get 2 photoresistors (like 20 cents each), put one on each side of your robot, and run a binary algorithm.
An 84-year-old lady was embarrassed to walk around a hospital in her nightgown, so her grandson put one on as well in support.
Ask: Why all these years the real estate industry policies are always fluctuating, time when the place closed and put one on the chaos, one close to death?
Then my mother came over and said I put too much laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent and just put one on it, I pretend to hear continue to wash down.
No one is asking you to put on a hair shirt and give up all your luxuries.
Dominic, the show-off of the group, picked up one measly pear, put it on top of his snout, and performed a balancing act as we made our way back to the cave.
Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pound.Then, it's ready to serve.
He liked Chibi's own handwriting, which no one but Chibi could read, and he put that up on the wall.
The fishermen know the approximate time of year when they will be allowed to fish, but on any given day, one or more field biologists in a particular area can put a halt to fishing.
Put one hand on your belly just below your ribs and the other hand on your chest.
Indoors, you put a white sheet on the ground, spray some insecticide on walls and ceilings, and the mosquitoes fall on your feet one by one.
A tax on upstream carbon sources is one easy way to put a price on carbon emissions, although some countries may wish to use other methods, such as emissions trading schemes.
I remember when it was one of my brother's birthdays, we all put on our oldest clothes and went mud wrestling on a local hill.
He put one grain on the first square, two on the second, and so on.
One day, Winston showed up and put his hat on the ground as usual.
One Chinese story tells how soldiers put noise-makers on kites and flew them at night over the enemy camp.
His long-term goal is to put one million people there if something bad happens to us here on Earth.
In college, when I created my online dating (约会) profile, in the "favorite books" section I put One Hundred Years of Solitude, A Moveable Feast, White Fang and so on.
One Sunday afternoon, we went out to do some monitoring, and he said, why don't we put it on Baggy's collar and let her monitor the pollution?
He put two chairs together, placed two stacks of handouts and showed me, "OK, the left piece goes on top of the right one."
One of the ground rules of the swap should be that everyone must try on the clothes before they take them—things always look different when you put them on.
When applications have intermittent message transmission needs, use the MQPUT1 call to put only one message on the queue.
当应用程序具有间隙性的消息传输需要时,可以使用MQPUT 1调用以仅在队列上放置一个消息。
No one can put a price on an organ which is going to save someone's life.