The basic purpose of a quality loss function is to evaluate a loss to customers in a quantitative manner.
In the Taguchi quality loss function, the loss exists not only in unqualified products, but also in qualified products.
Quality loss is resulted in by the undulation of product and can be determined by the quality function.
In the paper, Asymmetric quadric loss function is put forward under Normal assumption, adjustment parameter is defined, and its best value is calculated which minimizes the total quality lose.
Safe and stable function, : heat spreading system, continuous mining without cutting quality or loss of machine.
The object function of the model is the sum of manufacturing cost and quality loss. The machining capability and function requirement were given as the restriction conditions.
The main sign is the resistance to passive movement of a limb but other associated features - pain, spasms, loss of function - affect people's quality of life more directly.
The paper gives a new method for computer aided process tolerance design which considers production cost and quality loss cost and assembly function requirements.
The paper gives a new method for computer aided process tolerance design which considers production cost and quality loss cost and assembly function requirements.