A quant will troll through tons and tons of data, looking for patterns.
Enjoy the narrow cobble stone streets and quant atmosphere.
A Goldman Sachs Group Inc. quant fund called Global Equity Opportunities fell about 30%.
Along with her husband, Quant opened up a small shop, Bazaar, on Carnaby Street of London.
In 1973 a group of air hostesses model the new uniforms designed by Mary Quant for cabin crew.
Other regulators would prefer to leave the former quant to implement his belated turnaround plan.
Another factor is the loss of faith in "quant" funds, which trade using complex computer models.
The boat is equipped with handles, safe pulling rope, draw ring, quant and other relevant accessories.
Quant finance programmes must start focusing on why and how financial modelling can be useless and dangerous.
WITH skinny trousers and Mary Quant dresses, fashionable Americans aretaking their cues from the 1960s this spring.
Mr Pandit, a former quant, is returning Citi to its roots in corporate services and international retail banking.
Saying that I've got 10 quant jocks who are going to solve all my data problems is the wrong way to go about it.
So if Ford has risen while GM languished, a quant might buy GM shares and sell Ford short, betting on it to decline.
Thus improve economic returns in tourist market and achieve the shift of our tourism from quant-type into quality-type.
A typical group might include a quant jock, an engineer, a marketing executive, a health care director and a manufacturing manager.
So-called quant funds (among the most profitable investment managers yet) truly employ financial theory when making their decisions.
It was snowing vigorously, and anyone in a calico prairie dress might have wished for the plastic mackintoshes and vinyl boots of Mary Quant.
You need to explain swinging London, Mary Quant, the Beatles and why these people made a difference.If you don't explain, they're just clothes.
你得解释什么是摇摆伦敦(60年代英国文化趋势的总称),玛丽奎恩特(Mary Quant)还有披头士(the Beatles),还的说明为什么这些人会给社会带来影响。
Joaquim de Lima, global head of quant research for equities, said the results were "surprising and very encouraging", given the financial crisis.
汇丰股票定量研究全球主管若阿金•德利马(Joaquim deLima)表示,在爆发金融危机的情况下,这一结果“令人惊讶,也很令人鼓舞”。
A theoretical analysis of a remote gate quantum transistor and a middle gate quant (?) m transistor based on a T-shape electron waveguide is presented.
S. stock market fell about 4% in that stretch. But Renaissance Institutional Equities slid 8.7%. Another big quant fund, AQR Capital Management, lost 13%.
By the time he began work as a financial-market "quant" in the 1980s, he had already become convinced that the academic mainstream was looking at probability the wrong way.
From kinetic anal. in the sensitized and quenched reactions, quant. estimation was made of the quantum yields of the primary reactions involved in the direct photolysis.
I think once this correction has shaken off the group of greedy quant-fund managers who ventured too far out on the risk curve, this market's limbs will bend back to normal .
Highly leveraged, computer - driven "quant" funds are having to liquidate shares, bonds and anything else they can sell in order to meet margin calls from their prime brokers.
Here we have a number of different methodological cuts into the question of values: Quant Analysis (Feldman), Quant Analysis of Codes (Feldman and Zaller), Open-ended questions (Chong).
However, they warned "this report should be taken with a pinch of salt" and that it is an exercise to "light-heartedly explain quantitative techniques and demystify the typical quant framework."
However, they warned "this report should be taken with a pinch of salt" and that it is an exercise to "light-heartedly explain quantitative techniques and demystify the typical quant framework."