A vaccine which can halt this suffering represents a quantum leap in healthcare in this country.
If you put in a consistent effort you could make a quantum leap towards your dreams.
I've taken this quantum leap, and I see everything in and out of the home as a safety hazard.
The cabin is also a quantum leap forward from the plasticky Corvette interiors of a generation or two ago.
Many romanticise monasticism as a way to make a quantum leap to escape worldly life and responsibilities.
He says something similar could well happen with the quantum leap in accuracy that optical clocks promise.
"He said that the European Union was about to take a" quantum leap "that will" fundamentally change Europe.
He said that the European Union was about to take a "quantum leap" that will "fundamentally change Europe."
Our plan is the only one that will restore people's faith and show that a quantum leap forward is possible.
Apple will be hoping that when customers try the iPad it really does feel like a quantum leap in personal computing.
You have taken a quantum leap…and regardless of the calendar days of 2011, what lies ahead of you is indeed a leap year!
The preparations for a quantum leap into the future are necessary to introduce you to an almost entirely different life style.
Every Chinese person that know about Canada knows that staying in a Canadian prison is a quantum leap in their standard of living.
In 1609 Galileo tweaked a toylike spyglass, pointed it at the moon and Jupiter (not the neighbors), and astronomy took a quantum leap.
The Quantum Leap comes with everything you'll ever need from a car media system to keep you and your passengers entertained for hours.
In the final days you will also see the Masters revealed, and they will prepare you for the quantum leap forward you are about to make.
Today, the steel industry was greater than the scale, once the steel futures market, futures company's customer base will be quantum leap.
It is all part of a plan long conceived long ago to enable a quantum leap to be made, that will carry you forward to a successful end-time.
So without exaggeration it will lead to a quantum leap in the way that we calculate and we estimate how fast the tsunami propagates on land.
The Supreme Intelligence offers you this opportunity to join this quantum leap, and it depends on you whether you board the train or remain on Earth.
In fact, for every technological and commercial quantum leap we have made, criminals - and often entire international criminal syndicates - have kept pace.
By the time you reach that point the quantum leap we often refer to will have taken place, and you will be once more the sovereign Beings that you really are.
While you will have opportunities to see your fortunes rise during the rest of 2009, February will bring you some of your very best for making a quantum leap.
We know it is not easy, but the very real pain you at times feel, is Thea motivating driver of inner reflection. A you are on the cusp of a great quantum leap.
The hardest things—the ones that push you up against your limits—are the very things you need to address to make a quantum leap into a fresh inner and outer life.
When you enter the unknown and embrace the uncertainty, you would have taken a quantum leap in opening the doors to your real self and your part in the Devine Plan.
Although they do afford some incremental benefits, such as enhanced project communication, they are not capable of providing a quantum leap in productivity, quality, or time to market.
Although they do afford some incremental benefits, such as enhanced project communication, they are not capable of providing a quantum leap in productivity, quality, or time to market.