All kids are dreaming of quick and dirty cash, lawyers, Wall Street, etc.
I'm building a quick and dirty dashboard app that will be used by my team.
Now here are The Sales Guy's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Voice Mail Messages.
The quick and dirty way to do it is like this: Create a file with all your host names.
Miguel is also offering a reflection based design for quick and dirty configuration screens.
This is a quick and dirty solution to the "how do I know if any data on my form has changed" problem.
The simple fact is that HTML forms were always a hack: a quick and dirty solution for simple problems.
Address, city, state - a quick and dirty shortcut for mapping out a physical address using Google Maps.
The second point, just as important as the first, is that quick and dirty solutions are hard to do right.
The first point I'd like to make is that quick and dirty solutions shouldn't be shunned by the experienced programmer.
Dynamic content isn't just automatically generated, it is also often hand-tailored, typically using an array of quick and dirty scripting tools.
The first version of the WAG generator is used to provide a quick and dirty estimate for small "enhancement" requests made to a "business as usual" team.
And though there is not enough time on a five minute podcast to do justice to non-profit selling skills, here is a Quick and Dirty crash course in selling.
It is possible to create quick and dirty personas just by writing down a few characteristics you think your typical user will have and then give them a name.
JpGraph makes it easy to draw both "quick and dirty" graphs with a minimum of code and complex professional graphs, which requires a very fine grain control.
无论是对于只有最少代码的“以快捷但不恰当方式获得的”图形,还是对于需要非常细粒度控制的复杂专业图形,JpGraph 都可以使它们的绘制变得简单。
Netstat, the equivalent of using vmstat or iostat for your memory reports, is a quick and dirty way of getting an overview of how your network is configured.
These are some of the problems that I've had myself and so here 'sa quick and dirty guide to troubleshooting your wireless network without having to go out and buy a new router!
As you'll recall, I built a quick-and-dirty reporting application that could have multiple USES within an organization.
Use this sort of syntax for a quick-and-dirty one-time change to the default plotting options.
Bob Martin describes these implications and argues that quick-and-dirty approach cannot be sustainable in a long run because it would inevitably result in slowing the project down.
This is a quick-and-dirty fix to the problem of sector alignment for the common situation in Windows of using a single partition that spans the entire drive.
Of all people, testers must realize just how import ant it is to follow a disciplined approach to software development instead of using quick-and-dirty design and implementation.
Your goal is to discover the book. You? Want a quick-and-dirty, unsophisticated, general picture of the writer's? Purpose, methods, and conclusions.
Your goal is to discover the book. You? Want a quick-and-dirty, unsophisticated, general picture of the writer's? Purpose, methods, and conclusions.