Listing 4 shows the WSDL binding for the Radiology Department application.
清单4显示Radiology Department应用程序的WSDL绑定。
Listing 3 shows the WSDL interface for the Radiology Department application.
清单3显示Radiology Department应用程序的WSDL接口。
Sales experience of medical equipment and working experience in radiology department is preferred.
Objective To explore the job stress status and related factors of medical staffs in radiology department.
A contrast medium agitator for radiology department pertains to the technical field of the medical devices.
You are configuring the Radiology Department application in Listing 2, so you use an tag directly inside a tag.
您正在清单2中配置Radiology Department应用程序,因为您直接在标记内使用标记。
This means you can simply use the configuration of the Radiology Department application as the second JBI server.
这意味着您可以简单地使用Radiology Department应用程序的配置作为第二台JBI服务器。
The service I used as an example in this article (the Radiology Department application service) is based on WSDL.
在本文中我所用的示例服务(Radiology Department应用程序服务)是基于WSDL的。
Open the same client.html file that you used earlier while testing the Radiology Department application in your browser.
在您的浏览器中打开与之前您用来测试Radiology Department应用程序相同的client . html文件。
This means that your JBI environment should be able to host the Radiology Department application as an internal service.
这意味着JBI环境还应当能托管Radiology Department应用程序作为内部服务。
Instead, I'll use a simple default combination of ready-made interceptors that can invoke the Radiology Department application.
相反,我将使用一个简单默认的现成的拦截器组合,该组合可调用Radiology Department应用程序。
Objective To discuss the construction and application of computer system in the radiology department of medium and small hospitals.
The prescription application sends these prescriptions over the bus to the medical facility's in-house pharmacy and radiology department.
Write the JBI configurations for the service provider (that is the Radiology Department application) as well as the service consumer.
为服务提供商(Radiology Department应用程序)和服务客户编写JBI配置。
Objective To investigate the effects of the rescuing practice for adverse effects caused by the contrast media in the radiology department.
Listing 3 shows another tag that tells how to configure an se - an internal service provider (such as the Radiology Department application)?
清单3显示另一个标记,它描述了如何配置SE—一个内部服务提供者(例如Radiology Department应用程序)?
The foundation of PACS accelerated the creatation of digitized radiology department, and made work, study, teach and consultation expediently.
Zip files you created at the end of the packaging the Radiology Department application and Configuring and packaging a service consumer sections.
它们为您在打包Radiology Department应用程序和配置并打包服务客户部分的结尾处创建的两个.zip文件匹配文件名。
Recall from the use-case story at the beginning of this article that the Prescription application also sent a message to an in-house radiology department.
Objective To discuss the establishment and application of PACS of our hospital, and its significance for the digitization of the radiology department.
You have seen how you can configure the Radiology Department application as an internal service provider and invoke it from an external service consumer.
您已经看到如何配置Radiology Department应用程序作为内部服务提供商,以及如何从外部服务客户处调用它。
Recall the Prescription application in Figure 6 of part 1, which is a service consumer that sends service requests to the Radiology Department application.
回忆在第1部分的图6上的Prescription应用程序,是一个服务客户发送服务请求给Radiology Department应用程序。
When people see the rows of doorplates such as dental implant department and radiology department, to some extent, a sense of discomfort and anxiety will grow.
This subject aims at the PACS system construction in our hospital , the digitalization of radiology department , the analysis of benefit of the application of PACS.
SEs are just like BCs with one additional feature: An SE also contains the business logic of the internal service (for example, of the Radiology Department application).
SE 和BC 基本一样,只多出一个特性:SE还包含内部服务(例如,Radiology Department 应用程序)的业务逻辑。
In order to test the interconnection of JBI servers, you'll run the same RadiologyAssembly application that you saw in the Testing the Radiology Department service section.
为了测试J BI服务器的互连,您将运行与您在测试Radiology Department服务部分所见的相同的RadiologyAssembly应用程序。
You have already configured two service units, one for the Radiology Department application (service provider) and the other for the Prescription application (service consumer).
您已经配置了两个服务单元,一个用于Radiology Department应用程序(服务提供商),另一个用于Prescription应用程序(服务客户)。
To get a full understanding of what an endpoint is, you can refer back to Figure 6 of part 1, in which the Prescription application sends a message to the Radiology Department application.
为了对端点有一个全面的了解,可以参考第1部分的图6,在那里Prescription应用程序发送消息给Radiology Department应用程序。
Although not technically radiographic techniques, imaging modalities such as PET and MRI are sometimes grouped in radiography because the radiology department of hospitals handle all forms of imaging.
Vladislav Petrov, a young patient in the hematological department of radiology and nuclear medicine institute in Gomel, Belarus, plays with paper pigeons. (AFP)