Perhaps in the past there was a "rain-out" provision where advance ticket holders could get a refund if the weather was bad.
Congress amended the Clean Air Act that year to set up a market for the permits that power plants must have to release sulfur dioxide (SO2) -a major culprit in acid rain-out of their smokestacks.
Angela stared pensively out of the window at the rain.
It didn't rain, which turned out to be a stroke of luck.
I hope you didn't get soaked standing out in the rain.
He turned up the collar of his coat and hurried out into the rain.
After heavy rain, various kinds of wild mushrooms break ground and out, which adds delightfulness to mountain forests and towns.
It rains a lot less than Seattle and the rain is spread out over more days than those cities.
Today, I found out that Seattle doesn't really get that much rain compared with most US cities.
Today, I found out that Seattle doesn't really get that much rain compared with most US cities in average annual rainfall.
As soon as the rain stops, they will go out to pick apples.
That was the reason why the lights suddenly went out before the rain came.
Mum and I were just going out when it began to rain.
Li Lei's mother was angry with him because he went out to play in the rain.
Narasimhan said work on the display technology was born out of efforts to develop an LED automobile headlight system for driving in rain at night.
This means that in the satellite data, extremely heavy rain is averaged out by lighter rain nearby.
In the lower atmosphere, pollutants like sulphur dioxide "rain out" of the air within days.
But plane soot occurs at low enough altitudes for rain to wash it out of the atmosphere in just days or weeks.
That's when Susan started to implement the plan her father had crafted before his stroke: out in the pouring rain, Susan began to dig.
More to the point think of your eyebrows designed to keep dust and rain out of your eyes but very useful in sending signals to other people.
He wandered down the empty corridors and found a doorway that led out onto a rain swept courtyard full of righteous dustbins.
I had a cold and was really tired, yet I still went out running at 2am in the rain.
Very handy if you want to know when to run outside to put the top up on your convertible or when a break in the rain will allow you to run out and check your snail mail without getting drenched.
About five million years ago the area was a limestone plateau, but as sea levels rose the effects of surf and rain began to carve out these magnificent cliffs, along with stacks and arches.
When we first meet Sylvester Stallone in that film, he frankly looks like a skinned heifer that someone left out in the rain for six weeks.
They were always out working in the rain, and as I rode by, sodden myself, they always waved.
After I climbed on to the sand dune in the light rain and gusty wind, the rain stopped and sun peeked out.
With the clouds darkening the cane fields and the rain blotting out the noise of their approach, the slaves hastened toward the back door of the Andry mansion.
With the clouds darkening the cane fields and the rain blotting out the noise of their approach, the slaves hastened toward the back door of the Andry mansion.