Innovative ideas are as rare and valuable as diamonds.
Test your holiday mettle against Klaus and his minions for rare and valuable loot.
While considered rare and valuable some centuries ago, they may be seen today in many homes and offices.
Chinese River Dolphin is a specific species of rare and valuable animal in the Changjiang drainage area.
The colorless transparent flat tabular beryl gem of Pingwu County, Sichuan Province is rare and valuable in the world.
Plant TYCOONPlant Tycoon is a gardening simulation game where you nurture plants and experiment with increasingly rare and valuable species.
As a rare and valuable tourism resource, the geological relic resource is one of the important topics during the development and protection.
It's society that disables an individual by not investing in enough creativity to allow for someone to show us the quality that makes them rare and valuable and capable.
Surendra Singh Negi is the state's minister for alternative medicine, and he says he is worried that continued forest fires in the Himalayas may be wiping out rare and valuable plant life.
苏伦德拉·辛格·内吉(Surendra SinghNegi)是该邦负责替代医学事务的部长,他表示对喜马拉雅山脉持续的森林火灾怀有忧虑,担心它们会将有价值的珍稀植物悉数毁掉。
The scenic area nearly is a "natural garden of society and science", because it is full of biology resources, including various national and provincial rare and valuable animals and plants.
Everyone should have a in the "muddy" the experience of walking on the streets, and only through such a process, and understand the rare and valuable flat roads before they know how to cherish.
Early examples of a design from the initial production phase are vintage objects. Rare and valuable, they are sought after by collectors because they represent the first expression of a new idea.
Now, it is not that bronze was all that rare in Greece then, it is just that bronze was valuable and could easily be recycled.
Such a move is unsupported, tricky, and hacky — and may violate the license — but for those rare situations when one of the aforementioned techniques can't help, it's a valuable option.
Vintage and thrift stores often carry valuable and rare designer items that you can't find anywhere else, short of an old relative or an estate sale.
Many of these are precious and rare, like the first-class protected animal ounces and the valuable timber sandals, etc.
She listened to me running on about books and authors, valuable and rare editions I had found and sold.
The artists designed it in a rare style and selected valuable jewels to decorate it.
Core competencies in enterprises are most valuable, rare, difficult-to-be substituted and imitated.
Chrysoberyl in some granite pegmatite is a rare mineral that seldom seen in Altatic area, and it is a valuable precious stone.
Penetration of blood vascular wall is a specific appearance for P marneffei, which is rare for any other yeast forms of fungus. It is valuable to diagnosis and differentiation.
Dante Bookstore, decorated with a unique English style, is very famous in London. It is also known for its rare and extremely valuable collection of traveling books.
If one competitiveness is not valuable, rare, or easy to be imitated and substituted, then the competence is not sustainable, it can't be core competency.
At a reception on Coruscant, the Hapan delegation presented Organa with 63 gifts from their 63 worlds, some extremely rare and unimaginably valuable.
The living spaces for some valuable and rare animals and plants are being disturbed by the tourists and their number decreases very quickly. some even are deracinating.
Few are round and few are a lovely color, so this is rare, " said gemologist Antoinette Matlins. "I think they have found something precious and lovely and valuable. "
Few are round and few are a lovely color, so this is rare, " said gemologist Antoinette Matlins. "I think they have found something precious and lovely and valuable. "