The poor living conditions in such a large city have resulted from the unplanned real estate development, which is rarely seen in small cities.
Retailers have rarely seen processing discounts like those now being offered.
March 13, 1994: Although Jamie appears in many pictures, he's rarely seen smiling.
They have mounted a preemptive clampdown of a severity rarely seen in recent years.
The country's car industry is so strongly protected that foreign cars are rarely seen there.
Viacom is controlled by the rarely seen Sumner Redstone, but run by a former corporate lawyer.
I've rarely seen IT groups talk about choosing a business service and doing a proof of concept (POC).
Yet one culprit is not only rarely seen as an offender, but is also being cosseted and protected.
Some notable bumblebee species are rarely seen anymore, with others becoming increasingly scarce.
Despite Argentina lying along rich South Atlantic fisheries, seafood is rarely seen on dinner tables.
This elusive creature is rarely seen, but is often heard in the form of its infamous, blood-curdling screams.
This unbroken connection has led to the formation of rich plant associations rarely seen elsewhere in the world.
One pair of jaguars even shows some very rarely seen mating behavior, so the smell seems to turn these animals on.
In a maneuver rarely seen and never before photographed, a raven snatches a chick by the leg after pecking into the egg.
Imports are now a common sight in Chinese stores and supermarkets, while they were previously rarely seen on shelves.
Compared with other African game, leopards are famously shy and rarely seen, partially because of their largely nocturnal hunting habits.
Marino will lift the proportion of men in the program from 13% to 30% of new customers by next year, a level rarely seen in dieting programs.
Many youngsters rack their brains to collect some rarely seen pets such as lizard green snake python sea turtle or even poisonous spider.
As I turn out of my hotel's full parking lot, veering onto the Strip, I come across something rarely seen in Vegas: frozen construction projects.
Families gawk at a game enclosure featuring stuffed buffalo, grizzlies, bighorn sheep and other rarely seen emblems of the American frontier.
Some scientists say they initially hoped to ignore Lomborg but in the wake of his book's popularity have reacted with a fury rarely seen in academia.
Susan B. Anthony dollars are legal tender but, having been produced only from 1979-81 and then again in 1999, they are rarely seen in circulation.
SusanB .Anthony美元也是美国法定货币的一种,但是只有在1979到1981年间发行,1999年再次发行,在流通中很少见。
Such grandeur is rarely seen these days, which makes a mockery of the idea that Ferdinand should have prior claim on the England captain's armband.
Another gown — which she calls her 'apron' gown — is made of checkered cotton dobby, a textured fabric rarely seen in evening gowns until recently.
It hasn't helped that the media continues to blame great white sharks for attacks on humans, even in a place where they are rarely seen, like Florida.
And finally, we're in the right place at the right time. In a rarely seen occurrence, we capture a female chimera in the process of releasing her eggs.
Many older foraging books, and my childhood memories of the 1980's, insist that blackberries are an autumnal fruit rarely seen before the end of August.
At present, system research of Chiangnan rural water environment is few, water landscape development pattern related research is especially rarely seen.
Amidst a global financial crisis rarely seen in history, it brings together government leaders, business people, experts and scholars of different countries.
Amidst a global financial crisis rarely seen in history, it brings together government leaders, business people, experts and scholars of different countries.