The assessment management of students is mainly concerned with the attendance rate of the students, the completion rate of online courses, the passing rate of the examination and so on.
The attendance rate for nine-year compulsory education surpassed the average level of high-income countries, said the minister.
Mr. Lee: I never know how to rate the employees' work. Of course attendance and productivity are easy, I just look at the sales figures.
Objective: to improve the diagnosis of culture negative tuberculosis rates, to reduce the rate of missed diagnosis, misdiagnosis rates, attendance rates had occurred.
Afghanistan is one of the worst educational records in entire world, due to the low school attendance rate and huge amount of illiterate Afghanistan people.
To take advantage of this special rate, please process the hotel room reservation form provided upon confirmation of your attendance.
Our institute pays much attention to the construction of fine style of study, giving priority to the three parameters, such as study attitude, class attendance and self-study rate.
Our institute pays much attention to the construction of fine style of study, giving priority to the three parameters, such as study attitude, class attendance and self-study rate.