I mean, there are so many other things I'd rather do instead, and so I just don't like it.
Some parents would rather their children rent houses outside the school instead of living a dorm.
Instead, Southern slaveholders misconstrued abolitionist views of the 1830s as mainstream rather than marginal Northern public opinion, and castigated Northerners generally for opposing slavery.
The notion that they're utterly powerless suddenly seems unrealistic not to mention rather annoying so they're prompted instead to generate ideas about how they might change things.
Instead, fish reared in high-density situations may learn that conspecifics are to be viewed as competitors, rather than as potential sources of adaptive information.
This is because of the following three reasons: Firstly, the thief only stole things from me but did not hurt me at all; secondly, the thief has stolen some of my things instead of all my things; thirdly, most luckily for me, it was the man rather than me who became a thief.
Instead, I agree with Oxford University philosopher Nick Bostrom, who believes that the heaviest risks from AGI do not come from a decision to turn against mankind but rather from a dogged pursuit of set objectives at the expense of everything else.
相反,我同意牛津大学哲学家尼克·博斯特罗姆的观点。他认为,AGI 最大的风险并非源自它违反人类的决定,而是源自其不惜一切代价对既定目标的执着追求。
That does not mean the gene or genes in question actually cause lung cancer. Rather, it means that they amplify the effects of smoking instead of the amount of smoking.
Rather than direct our attention and energy to our feeling state, we instead direct our efforts toward living our life well.
Instead, recognize that a woman would rather observe your actions for herself, rather than hear you talk about yourself.
Rather, parents have taken instead to sending their children to school every day with their own coal burners to stay warm in the often frigid, unventilated classrooms.
Instead, I would rather raise issues, make people confront them, and then let them figure out how to solve the problems.
When you buy food, go local rather than imported, and get fresh vegetables instead of frozen.
As the name implies, rather than the device emulation being embedded within the hypervisor, it is instead implemented in user space.
Rather than being locked to a single system... the application can instead be executed on one of several available machines
PDF_UNIT - Set this to pt if you'd rather use points instead of millimeters for laying out your PDF document.
PDF_UNIT—如果您想用点而不是毫米来布置您的PD f文档,则设置其为pt。
Instead, you get the database engine to handle the process and then report back the summary rather than the raw data.
So rather than including this page with my A/B tests, I instead tested it with new parents I interviewed.
Instead, they are able to spend more time doing other tasks rather than tuning queries all day.
Instead, they hope-in the jargon of Western election monitors-that it will be merely "credible" rather than "free and fair".
I mean, ther are so many other things I'd rather do instead, and so I just don't like it.
So you decide to drive your environmentally-friendly hydrogen fuel cell car instead—or rather, let your car drive you.
Rather than focus on the innuendo about my motives and beliefs in the review, let me focus instead on differences of substance.
Over the centuries, it's come to mean all sorts of things.It could mean "from the west" instead of "from the east," or "decent and humane" rather than "scandalous."
Rather than generating all possible SQL, it instead captures only what runs successfully.
But what if, rather than thinking in terms of writing tests and how to test things, you thought about behavior, instead?
Rather than measuring only individual productivity, you instead need to measure how much value an individual provides to the team.
Instead, you can use them to project other identities that reflect system identities, rather than human end users' identities.
Instead, you can use them to project other identities that reflect system identities, rather than human end users' identities.