Napoleon then led them back to the store-shed and served out a double ration of corn to everybody, with two biscuits for each dog.
Thus, standard security measures, such as duty sepa-ration, can't be implemented because it's impossible to provide users with only those privileges they strictly require to carry out their work.
Famine set in early, as the daily individual ration fell to 125 grams or less of "bread" (often bulked out with sawdust or wallpaper paste).
True, food riots didn't break out in poor countries during 2009 and warehouse stores like Costco didn't ration 20-pound bags of rice... but supply remained tight.
Combining the consume ration with optimization arithmetic, an optimized storage number of spare part was worked out.
The optimum ma-chine index (ration of screen acceleration to acceleration due to gravity) can be adjusted to each particular application by means of the variable out-of-balance force.
Cubans will still be able to buy a limited amount at a subsidised rate with their ration books, but these too are to be gradually phased out.
All in all, we should buy things out of necessity and ration instead of impulse.
Principle vegetates out of cases, and formalizes from law theory. Thus, it depends on a sort of practice ration.
Higher fares ration available cars by willingness to pay: to richer users, in some cases, but also to those less able to wait out the surge period or with fewer good alternatives.
In response to this study, in order to find out the reason, we use stepwise regression again, viewing current-liability ratio and long-term debt ration as explained variables.
As the main method, text analysis is applied, aiming to find out the types of errors and their ration in students'writings.
There actually were soldiers at the gas stations to ration it out.
There actually were soldiers at the gas stations to ration it out.