Rational Software Architect topology models need to be stored in a project.
Rational Software Architect拓扑图模型需要存储在一个项目中。
There are two types of models in Rational Software Architect: single and logical.
在Rational Software Architect中有两种类型的模型:单个的与逻辑性的。
We've configured Rational Software Architect to browse a remote asset repository on dW.
我们已将Rational Software Architect配置为浏览dW上的远程资产存储库。
Table 2 gives a list of the operating systems that Rational Software Architect V7.0 supports.
表2列出了支持Rational Software ArchitectV7.0的操作系统。
This article shows how to implement three basic design patterns in Rational Software Architect.
本文介绍了如何在Rational Soft ware Architect中实现三个基本的设计模式。
Rational Software Architect also has architectural discovery tools that I will talk about later.
Rational Software Architect还拥有我一会儿将谈到的架构发现工具。
Use facilities provided by Rational Software Architect to execute the code on a different thread.
在一个不同的线程上使用Rational Software Architect提供的工具来执行代码。
It can then be used to share assets within a team that has Rational Software Architect installed.
它可以用于在安装了Rational Software Architect的团队之间进行资产的分享。
The steps described in this article are performed using IBM Rational Software Architect Version 7.
本文中描述的步骤使用IBMRational Software Architect Version 7来得到执行。
When a pluglet is executed, it runs on the Rational Software Architect (User Interface) UI thread.
当运行pluglet 时,它在Rational Software Architect(用户界面)UI 线程上运行。
From here, expand IBM Rational Software Architect and Extensibility and patterns-based engineering.
从这里,展开IBMRational Software Architect与Extensibilityand patterns - based engineering。
Topic diagrams are created by Rational Software Architect that are updated as the code base changes.
Rational Software Architect所生成的主题图,随着代码基础的变更而更新。
Customized software development process content can be accessed from within Rational software architect.
自定义的软件开发过程内容如何能够在Rational Software Architect中被访问。
This support was added in Rational Software Architect 7.5.4 and has been enhanced in subsequent releases.
这种支持是在Rational Software Architect7.5.4中添加的,并在后续发布版中得到了增强。
SoaML support was added in Rational Software Architect 7.5.4 and has been enhanced in subsequent releases.
SoaML支持是在Rational Software Architect7.5.4中添加的,并在后续版本中得到了增强。
The first step in service modeling in Rational Software Architect is to create a service model in a project.
在Rational Software Architect中,服务建模的第一个步骤是在项目中创建一个服务模型。
Transformation configuration inheritance was introduced in the 7.5.2 release of Rational Software Architect.
转换配置继承性是在Rational Software Architect7.5.2版本中引入的。
For example Figure 1 shows the visual representation of the.emx file generated by Rational Software Architect.
例如,图1显示了Rational Soft wareArchitect生成的.emx文件的可视表示形式。
See the Download section for final Rational Software Architect project, packaged as a project Interchange file.
请参见下载部分,其中提供了最终的Rational Software Architect项目,打包为项目交换文件。
Rational Software Architect provides a modeling perspective that is a composite of the following related views.
Rational Software Architect提供了一个组合以下相关视图的建模透视图。
In this article, you saw a few simple patterns and how you can implement them using Rational Software Architect.
在本文中,您见到了一些简单的模式,以及如何使用Rational Soft ware Architect来实现这些模式。
Figure 5 illustrates some of the tools that Rational Software Architect offers to help improve your code review.
图5分析了Rational Software Architect所提供的帮助你改善代码复查的工具中的一部分。
Database schema can be generated in Rational Software Architect based on business entities defined in the model.
可以在Rational Software Architect中基于模型中定义的业务实体生成数据库模式。
Here, we will demonstrate how you can use the editing tools provided in the Rational Software Architect tool set.
这里,我们将会向您演示怎样使用Rational Software Architect工具集中所提供的编辑工具。
The outputs from modeler are used as input into Rational Software Architect for service design and specification.
来自Modeler的输出将被作为服务设计和规范输入Rational Software Architect。
Just in case you don't know, Rational Software Architect informs you of this problem by reporting a hosting error.
如果您不知道的话,Rational Software Architect通过报告主机的错误来通知您出现的问题。
The architecture is expressed as a formal model in UML, using a tool like Rational Software architect to create it.
体系结构采用UML表述为正式的模型,要使用Rational Software Architect之类的工具创建此模型。
The code-generation feature in Rational Software Architect then allows you to generate code based on these patterns.
Rational Software Architect中的代码生成特性允许您生成基于这些模式的代码。
Utilizing additional modeling in Rational Software architect to understand and improve your application architecture.
利用Rational Software Architect中附加的建模来理解和改进应用程序体系结构。
For information about design patterns in Rational Software Architect, refer to the online help provided in the product.
关于Rational Software Architect中的设计模式的信息,在产品中提供的在线帮助中可以查到。