Neutron flux distributions in the reactor core are measured.
Horizontal radial channel a faces the reactor core and its forepart lies in the pool.
Its designs insure that the reactor core is always flooded underwater in any conditions.
This article Outlines a model for calculating the parameters oi a tokamak fusion reactor core.
For a BWR this is a more detailed view of the reactor core, pointing out several of the functions.
So if you understand this chart you will begin to appreciate the life of a neutron in the reactor core.
The operation status of reactor core can be described accurately and larger dexterity is obtained.
Eg: Meltdown is a term that describes the melting of a nuclear reactor core as a result of a nuclear accident.
Meltdown is a term that describes the melting of a nuclear reactor core as a result of a nuclear accident.
That means cooling water is not getting to the reactor core, causing a build up of steam inside the containment vessel.
The reactor core which includes these rods, and the water it sits in, are contained within a thick steel pressure vessel.
When a reactor core is shut down, its energy output drops not to zero, but about 6% of its normal output, Forsberg told me.
To shut down a reactor, safety valves are opened to release the steam and water is used to then to cool down the reactor core.
A meltdown occurs when nuclear fuel rods cannot be cooled, thus melting the reactor core and causing a release of radioactivity.
This paper studies the application of discontinuous factors in transport method to solve reactor core homogenization problem.
They note that pressure and the temperature inside the reactor core remain at levels far lower than what would further melt the core.
A high level of radiation detected Thursday in water at the No. 3 reactor's turbine building may have come from the reactor core.
In that case, poor control room indicators led plant officials to switch off the circuit which would have cooled the reactor core.
In the types of reactors involved, water is used to cool the reactor core and produce steam to turn the turbines that make electricity.
In our implementation, we trust every host key and simply give control back to the asynchronous reactor core by returning a defer.succeed object.
在实现时,我们完全信任所有的主机密钥,只是通过返回一个defer . succeed对象,将控制交回给异步反应器(reactor)的核心。
In a boiling water reactor like those at Fukushima, the same water that cools the reactor core also boils and drives the turbine to generate power.
A second explosion has hit a Japanese nuclear plant that was damaged in Friday's earthquake, but officials said the reactor core was still intact.
By contrast, reactors have strong containment vessels that stand a better chance of bottling up radiation from a meltdown of the fuel in the reactor core.
But even after shutdown, there is residual heat that needs to be drawn off by cooling water pumped through the reactor core, and that’s where the trouble came.
As a specific operation mode, which outruns the original reactor core design, the related and specialized design argument and safety analysis is required.
The result indicates that the reactor core arrangement satisfies the critical and control request, and can meet the purpose of spent fuel critical experiments.
The explosion and fire at Chernobyl sent parts of the reactor core high into the atmosphere in a plume that drifted over Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and western Europe.
We have to decide on how long a life of the reactor core we want and by lifetime we mean the time from when we start the reactor to the time that we need to re-fuel.
We have to decide on how long a life of the reactor core we want and by lifetime we mean the time from when we start the reactor to the time that we need to re-fuel.